chapter 9

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Jimin quickly ran towards locker room and sat on the bench in the room . He was panting heavily " what was that ? Why my heart is beating so much ? " he asked himself placing his hand on his chest .

Jungkook was in his room alone lying on his bed . He didn’t saw Taehyung since morning . He was relaxed that he didn’t have to be in fear but still he was kind of missing the black haired boy because he has no one for company .

So he started humming closing his eyes shut suddenly few lyrics came in his mind . He opened his eyes and started searching for anything in his room from which could write on something but there was nothing he could find other than a book of Taehyung which don’t dare to touch it only but he could forget these lines and before he could he has to write it somewhere .

“ prisoner 1608 someone is here for you to meet ..come out “ Jimin ordered and Jungkook instantly walked out quietly but his mind was repeating the lyrics lines in his again and again before he could forget .

Jimin slightly turn his face and with his corner of his eyes he saw Jungkook fidgeting his fingers , which made him furrow his eyebrows too “ what happened ?” He asked while walking looking straight but Jungkook find it strange because he noticed a little , very little softness in jimin voice . He raised his eyebrows innocently and replied smiling awkwardly “ nothing much …as you know I am singer I love to write lovely songs for my bunnies i mean for my fans and before you came , a few lines came in my mind but I can’t find anything where I can write …I don’t even have something to write too and i don't want to forget those lines thats it .. nothing much of a deal" he explained looking down with a small smile on his face . Jimin nodded in a reply.

Jimin relaxed his eyebrows and started walking straight thinking something deeply .

Soon Jungkook reached there where he came yesterday . He saw his manager again sitting for him but all of sudden his eyes turned from his manager to the next person on the next booth and the person talking to him was none other than Taehyung . They looked pretty serious looking at their expression .

Jungkook ignored them and sat on seat taking the phone in his hand .

“ hi hyung “ Jungkook greeted his manager smiling but his smile fade away when he saw the elder in front of him with some serious look .

“ what happened hyung ? Is Everything okay ?” Jungkook asked , he was finally thinking that his day was going smoothly but now looking at his manager he started feeling nervous .

His manager took a deep breath and called him “ Jungkook-ah !!!” Jungkook nervousness now entered his whole body . Whenever he called Jungkook with this name something big happened always but now what more it is left .

“ Jungkook-ah !!! Please hear me out first okay “

Jungkook nodded because what other choice do he have .

“ First – you may have to stay here Little longer , I am finding the girl but its taking time “

Jungkook already expected that yesterday only when his manager came to meet him not take him that’s he didn’t felt that bad but what’s second .

“ Second – your brother “

Jungkook face colour disappeared all of the sudden .

“ what happened to hyung ?” Jungkook anxiously asked looking deep in manager eyes .

Manager shake his head in denial “ nothing happened to him but he left his job ..he asked me not to tell you but I can’t do this . He left his job and is searching that girl with me . I stopped him many times but he don't listen me ... He is just like you …. Stubborn”

Jungkook smiled but his eyes teared up “ why hyung has to do this for me always ,why he has do this for someone like me who …who just have caused him problems . I promised to make him proud but I can’t even do that …then why he is ruining his life for me ? Why ?” Jungkook started sobbing , he tried to hold back but couldn’t because of the guilt that was forming in his heart .

Manager felt bad for him but he knows what Jungkook means .

After talking with his manager Jungkook stopped crying but guilt was eating him up inside . He was going back to his cell following Jimin but he was like some emotionless robot walking on the command of people . 

Jimin again saw Jungkook from corner of his eyes . He heard everything standing outside . He was feeling bad looking Jungkook like this but he has no idea what to say to cheer the boy up .

Jungkook enter the cell , Jimin thought to Say something here but before he could he saw Jungkook going straight to his bed and lay down covering himself up . Jimin didn’t  say anything just clenched his hand into fist and walked away from their .

Few minutes later Jimin was now taking Taehyung back to his cell . He was not saying a word to him also and was walking straight maintaining his stern look .

But Taehyung was not walking like Jungkook , he was walking heads up , looking here and there and sometimes waving his hand to other prisoners smiling , but they seems to be afraid from him . As soon other prisoners watch him coming they hide themselves in deep cell in the dark .

Taehyung looking at those pathetic prisoners scoffed and turned his gaze to Jimin back . He moved his eyes from jimin head to toe smirking . Scaning his whole body from back .

“ look away or I will kill you right here “ Jimin ordered in his stern voice without once looking back .

Taehyung chuckled “ I see you have eyes on your back too , well what can I say , when someone has a back like you anyone would keep their eyes on their back too “ .

Jimin felt the anger building up inside him hearing Taehyung voice but his face was saying something else , his cheeks were turned into tinted red with frowning eyebrows he turned he head Little to his sideways “ shut your mouth otherwise I will make you pay for it “ .

Taehyung again chuckled keeping his hand in his pocket and with smug look he replied “ ohh don’t worry , I will surely pay you if you are ready to do it “ .

Jimin couldn’t control and snapped . He turned back and pushed Taehyung to the wall griping his collar tightly but Taehyung face didn’t have any discomfort instead he was smiling his deathly smile .

“ I ..said ..shut up “  Jimin ordered looking in Taehyung eyes breathing heavily , frowning deeply but Taehyung didn’t pay attention to his order and instead he noticed Jimin cheeks which were turned red , he chuckled in his grip “ ohh sweetie !! Don’t worry I will not tell your father that you are blushing because of me but I am sure he is going to be very thrilled if he gets to know that his son cheeks are turned red for a prisoner  “

Jimin hearing this he felt everything get loose in him , his hand tightened on Taehyung collars . Taehyung was now choking because of Jimin grip on his collar and finally a little discomfort of not getting air can be seen on his face .

Jimin saw the black haired face which look little in pain , his eyebrows twitched looking at him all of the sudden he removed his hands away and turned his back to Taehyung face while still Breathing heavily.

Taehyung coughed a little bit in that also he was finding something funny while coughing he chuckled looking Jimin back “ what happened ? Can’t even kill me now “

Taehyung was getting on his nerve , he really wanted to punish him but instead he ordered in his stern low voice “ just quietly follow me “ and started walking straight . Taehyung also started following him quietly this time because he knows that he already bullied him little too much . A small smile reached his face .
Soon they both reached outside the cell , Jimin opened it for Taehyung , he saw Taehyung going inside directly to his bed . He locked the door back but Before going away Jimin glanced back to Jungkook again who was still in his thin blanket .

Taehyung saw how Jimin was looking Jungkook . When he saw Jimin go away he stood up and sat on his bed . A smile which was on his face , vanished in the thin air . Suddenly he remembered what Jungkook was talking .

Actually when Jungkook manager was talking with him , Taehyung also heard everything . He don’t know why but he was feeling little bad inside . He lay down back keeping one arm on his eyes and another on the bed . Suddenly an anger started fuming inside him and unknowingly he clenched the bedsheet tightly in hand but why he was angry thats a mystery to find out. 

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