chapter 96

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In the middle of city , outside some abdoned warehouse, a car stopped and from it a person wearing blck suit holding a cigar came out and walked towards the warehouse .

" how can you all do this to me ? Leave me right now ... LEAVE ME "

Some shouting and screaming was echoing throughout the warehouse . The person in black walked inside, there was many boys wearing same black Bowed their head down as soon they saw the person .

Even the person screaming, when saw that person entering the warehouse stopped screaming instead started glaring him angrily " YOU BETRAYER .."

The person had a very evil smirk plastered on his face , he threw the cigar aside " Mr. Kim why are you screaming?" He asks picking up a wooden stick from the bonfire and walked to Mr. Kim .

Looking the person coming near him , Mr . Kim started getting anxious and struggled moving his hands and legs which were tied with chair but nothing was working " you .. you can't kill me " his voice was stuttering .

The person scoffed bringing that hot , burnt wood near Mr. Kim leg " dont worry , i am not going to kill you .." he leaned down , held Mr. Kim tightly made it painful and pulled it to make him look at him " even if you beg me to kill you , I won't .. instead the time you say you want to die the more painful and brutal will be your tourchur " his voice was so scary that even the guards standing in the warehouse felt the chills running through his body .

Mr. Kim gulped down looking straight in Mr. J eyes anxiously" why .. why are you doing this .. i don't believe you did so much only to take revenge for your best friend "

The smirk on Mr. J started trembling, he threw kim face aside and turned immediately" you are right ... i didn't do all this because he was my best friend .." he titled his head to look Mr. J , his eyes have tears which were shining in the fire light " Jungkook father was the one whom i loved .. "

Mr. Kim was stunned" whattt .. you .. you loved Jeon ?? "

Mr. J nodded turning back to Mr kim wiping his tears still smirking like a psychopath " i loved him since I saw him .. At that time i didn't know he had a wife till he himself told me ... till then i was already in deep love with him , i had no choice to leave him because he never loved me once just consider me best friend and i was happy in that only, atleast he was with me and his family was like my family too ... " he raised his eyes and glared Mr kim dangerously " but you and park snatched him away from me .. " .

Anger was filled inside his whole body , he didn't wait and placed that burnt wood on Mr. Kim foot .

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " he screamed in pain and struggled to move his hands and body but everything was just waist .

Mr. J pulled up that wooden stick and walked around " then you tried to hurt Jungkook .." and stood behind Mr. Kim back " you know when Jungkook was born , he was such a small piece of wool , that when Jeon wife handed me i couldn't pick him ... i was the one who gave him his name, jeon told me he is my son too " as he ended he placed that burnt wood again but this time on Mr. Kim thighs.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh " mr. Kim screamed again taping his leg in pain . Mr. J has tears in his eyes" you killed my jeon , you tourched Jungkook who is like my son but not anymore , he will live happily now ..."

When he saw Mr. Kim fainted , Mr. J moved that wooden stick and threw it in the corner of the room " tourchur him as much painful you can... just don't let him die or i will kill you all , i want him to feel the pain to his soul and remember whatever wrong he has done till now " he ordered and walked out of the warehouse.


" Another breaking news on singer jeon Jungkook.. the chairman of the prison was found dead last night in his apartment , According to the sources gangster kim was involved in his killing because many of his henchmen were also found dead in the apartment.... We also came to know that the girl who accused jeon Jungkook and later was found dead in her apartment was also part of gangster kim ... in the morning police also got a pendrive from unknown source in which there was recording of gangster kim giving orders to the girl sofia which brings us to the conclusion that the girl would have be murdered by gangster kim because of this ... another shocking news is that in that pendrive there was also recording of kim giving orders to sofia to accuse singer Jungkook of murder wrongly... the reason behind it still to be found even the reporter who delivered Jungkook news earlier has been arrest for defamation by Jungkook manager... "

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