chapter 42

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The day of Christmas arrived, and all of the officers in the jail were busy decorating the Christmas tree in the hall and prisoners were giving one hour extra time to celebrate the eve outside their cells in the ground . They were even given food which came from outside .

Meanwhile everyone was having fun, our three boys were pleased to finally get to hang around together after three days . They were also planning to take advantage of the Christmastime chill, but Jungkook had something special in store for them. He stopped them, grabbing Taehyung and Jimin by the hands, "Come with me," he said excitedly and started running to the opposite side of the canteen holding his boyfriend's hands in his , away from everyone's eyes .

Taehyung and Jimin were taken aback when Jungkook suddenly took hold of their hands and began tugging them, but soon they too began running behind Jungkook excitedly.

“ Where are you taking us kook ?”  Jimin asked politely while running and looking around him to identify the area as this was the first time he saw this corridor since he came here . He never knew this place also existed .

“ I think I know where he is taking us “ Taehyung replied instead of Jungkook turning his to Jimin on his left still running with Jungkook but what's the reason , they were going to the place he claimed he knows, he doesn't know that .

As soon as Jungkook spotted the location in front of him he intended to take them to. His features broke into a broad smile . He halted making other boys also stop in the track .

Jungkook joyfully gave Taehyung and Jimin a quick glance before entering a gate that Taehyung had already seen but Jimin had not.

The gate was ordinary—it had the same dark, rusted colour as the other prison gates . Jimin found nothing special to look at it .

Taehyung noticed Jimin was confused and a smirk spread across his face. He looked around before stepped closer to Jimin "Let's go," he said smilingly and slipping his hand into Jimin's hand.

Jimin was left trailing, wondering where in the world his boys were taking him, but he didn't care—even if it was to hell, he was going there with them.

But as soon as Jimin opened the door, he was met by a vast, stunning garden filled with flowers that astounded him. It was a pire heaven to him .

“ Min , tae !! come here .. “ Jungkook screamed waving his hand standing in between the garden.

Taehyung and Jimin exchange a smile to each other and started walking where Jungkook was .

“ ohh what is this “ Taehyung asked raising his eyebrows as he crouched down to sit next to Jungkook, Jimin also knelt down on the other side of Jungkook “ it has a name also “ Jimin said smilingly.

Jungkook nodded blushing lightly “ these are the plants which I planted when I came here “

Taehyung extended his hand to touch the name on the ground and a warm smile came on his face  “ and you gave it our names “

It was written:

“ tae” And “ min”

Jungkook nodded blushing more “ that time everyone was giving their plants name and I wanted to give them names too and your name only came in my mind “

“ but at that time we were not even friends , why did you consider of giving our names to your plants ? “ Jimin asked , tracing his name with his finger on the ground.

"I know, but these two are much like you both were, and I can't give them your complete names in fear of upsetting you both, so I gave them your nickname." With a smile, Jungkook said, feeling pleased with himself for having thought of such a brilliant idea.

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