chapter 51

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Taehyung quickly dashed inside after kicking open the door to lay Jimin carefully on the king-size bed with the help of Jungkook .

Jimin started whining again as soon as they put him down. He was sweating badly and this condition of Jimin was making Jungkook and Taehyung anxious.

“ Min .. please.. please open your eyes“ Jungkook pleaded sitting down next to Jimin holding his hand Near his face with tears flowing down his eyes but Jimin couldn't listen him . His eyes were still closed and was frowning in pain badly .

Taehyung came closer to Jungkook and placed his  hand on Jungkook shoulder but he has no words to say to Jungkook which could console him  because His own were filling with tears looking Jimin burnt back which look painful as hell .

Suddenly a person wearing a white coat holding a bag came inside their room running . As soon Jungkook saw the person he stood up to let that person sit down next to Jimin to observe his wounds.

“ How is it ? Doctor?”  Taehyung asked anxiously.

Doctor turned his head towards Taehyung and Jungkook with not much expression “ I can’t say anything right now , looking at his bruises , its pretty bad .

“ He turned to Jimin and extended his hand to touch and analysis Jimin back but Jimin back was Little too sensitive . As soon he touched, Pain just ran in Jimin body . He clenched the bedsheet in pain while groaning lightly in pain.

Taehyung step forward and pulled doctor hand aggressively away from Jimin “ CAN’T YOU SEE HE IS IN PAIN , DON’T TOUCH HIM “

Doctor was startled when Taehyung pulled his hand and dumbfounded hearing Taehyung. He couldn’t understand how to help the wounded patient if he is not allowed to touch “ but .. I need to touch him in order to help him “

But Taehyung was not understanding anything, he was just restless looking Jimin in pain . If he could, he would happily exchange himself with Jimin right now “ THEN TOUCH HIM CAREFULLY “

Doctor was understanding that Taehyung was scared but he need to look after patient quickly. He has no idea what to do with Taehyung, its not like he could just kick the boss of the house who is a gangster, out of his room so that he could peacefully help Jimin.

But Jungkook did . He was understanding what doctor was trying to convey. He slowly stepped forward and held Taehyung arm from which Taehyung was holding doctor “ Tae .. I understand you are scared … I am too.. “ he looked Jimin who was frowning and sweating badly “ look at him tae .. he .. he need doctor right now “ Taehyung looked Jimin as Jungkook told him and slowly his anger started vanishing “ leave him tae .. let him do what he want .. please “ Jungkook pleaded looking Taehyung.

Taehyung was not ready to let his Jimin in pain but right now what Jungkook was saying was correct. He need doctor right now .

Taehyung left the doctor hand as Jungkook told him and stood straight looking at Jimin with Jungkook on his side “ then .. please make it.. less painful “ he requested in low voice this time.

Doctor nodded instantly “ I will .. but for that .. you .. you two need to go out of the room .. I .. I can’t help him with you two here “ he requested too but stuttering. He knows what he just said may get him killed but still he has to try .

Taehyung who calmed down a little while ago was filled with anger again “ Doctor, we are not … “

“ We are going , please help him.. and us too “ Jungkook cut Taehyung sentence midway because he understand doctor.

“ Kook , what are y..!!” 

“ Tae , please “ he didn’t said much but just pleaded with tearful eyes , looking at which Taehyung couldn’t say anything more .

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