chapter 55

695 40 19

Jungkook smiled in middle of his crying “ I am fine hyung .. but I am sorry “ he apologized looking down and crying remember the scene he saw that day “ I am sorry for everything I have put you through “ he was dying from the guilt which was filling his body for his brother.

Namjoon shook his head , he placed his both hand on Jungkook face and wiped those Falling tears “ no Jungkook , you don’t to be sorry … I know it was not your fault .. I know my Jungkook the best “

“ are you not going to ask anything hyung ?” Taehyung asked turning his face to look his brother on his left .

Seokjin sighed looking Namjoon and Jungkook and turned to look Taehyung “ no .. because I think I know all the answers “

Taehyung chuckled shaking his head in disbelief “ you literally know the best “

Seokjin nodded with proud expression “ but just be careful... I don’t want to see you like that again “ he said and turned around to walk out of  the room keeping his both hand in the pockets .

Taehyung smiled looking at his Jungkook , he was happy for Jungkook that he could finally meet his brother . while smiling he turned around and started following his brother to go outside the room giving Jungkook and Namjoon their personal time.

Hoseok was standing outside his building enjoying the view of his big garden under sun heat in Taehyung mansion smoking cigarette when Taehyung and seokjin came to him .

“ hey hyung “ Taehyung waved his hand smiling and walking towards him .

Hoseok smiled and waved back “ welcome back Taehyung “ and lightly bowed his head down to give respect to seokjin.

“ oh come on Hoseok… don’t treat me like one of your bosses.. I am Taehyung brother, you are his brother that makes us brother too … so call me hyung.. no need of formalities “ seokjin said keeping his arm around Hoseok neck like a friend.

Hoseok was left blinking his eyes from sudden affection and suddenly started smiling shaking his head in disbelief “ you two are really brother “

“ what do you mean “ seokjin asked with question look but Taehyung chuckled remember how he just jumped on Hoseok first day .

“ Here ..”  Hoseok took the cigarette packet out of his blazer pocket and brought it in front of them . Both of them took one -one out and started smoking looking at the vast garden in front of them .

“ so you brought a officer with you this time ? “ Hoseok asked while blowing a big smoke out of his mouth without once glancing at Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded blowing the smoke out too “ he is not just an officer but my boyfriend too .. “

Hoseok who is experienced in smoking , started coughing badly almost choking himself on the smoke hearing blunt confession from Taehyung mouth “ WHATTTT “

*phone ringing*

Jimin was in Taehyung room sleeping upside down hugging Taehyung pillow which has Taehyung scent in it when all of a sudden his phone started ringing.

Jimin turned his head to his left and saw his phone lying on the table next to the bed . He slowly dragged his body towards table , extended his hand to reach his phone and grabbed the phone to answer.

“ Hel…”


Jimin eardrum just burst from sudden yelling of yoongi  “ hyung… can you please slow down your voice , I am not deaf “

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