chapter 14

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For a few days Jungkook's life was going easy in the prison since that collar incident when Taehyung saved him .

Jungkook was thinking this while walking towards the bench in the ground deeply involved in his notebook without looking in front of him where he was going and bumped himself to the person unknowingly.

Jungkook quickly came back to reality , he slightly moved his notebook from his face to his right side to see who the person was and to his horror, it was none other than one who threatened him that day .

Jungkook instantly stepped back apologizing “ sorry !! Sorry …I didn’t mean to hurt you …I am sorry “ while bowing down this head .

Prisoner scoffed deeply looking Jungkook “ you ..again “ .

“ I am sorry “  Jungkook apologized again still with his head bow down , he was too scared to stand straight and look at the prisoners .

Prisoner was infuriated with Jungkook since he was hurt because of him that day . He wants revenge and  started scanning Jungkook , finding anything in his body worth his revenge . Suddenly his eyes fell on a notebook in his hand which Jungkook was holding tightly on his chest and understood what he has to do . He smirked and snatched away that notebook from Jungkook hand and started ruffling and crushing the pages without giving a damn if some pages were getting damaged or not .

Jungkook face covered the terror looking notebook getting damaged which Jimin gave him “ please !! Give me back my notebook …that is important for me “ he tried to take back the notebook from his hand but the prisoner just raised the notebook above Jungkook reach .

“ aww really ? Is it that important ..then take it “.  Prisoner brought that notebook in front of Jungkook .

Jungkook was scared , he slowly took a step trembling while reaching out for the notebook but before he could even touch the notebook that prisoner kicked Jungkook's leg from his shoes making him whimper and fall down on the ground on his knees  .

“ what happened ? Take it …take it “ prisoner again showed the book to Jungkook teasing him .

Jungkook knew that he was doing this intentionally but he really needed that notebook back from him . He tried to stand up despite the sharp pain in his leg but he fell down , he again tried to reach out for the notebook but this Prisoner kicked Jungkook again on the same spot making him fall down .

Jungkook was now in immense pain , he held that spot with his both hands pressing it down while tears make their way to his eyes .

Prisoner was having too much fun bullying Jungkook , he was going to do the same but then he saw Taehyung running towards them from a distance and all of the sudden all smiles vanished in the thin air . He didn’t want to get hurt again but he knows that if Taehyung see Jungkook like this he is going to be a dead meat .

An idea pops up in his mind , he held Jungkook arm and made him stand slowly “ what happened Jungkook ? Are you okay ?” he asked dusting his clothes and whispering something in his ears which made Jungkook's eyes open wide and lose his balance to fall down again. 

Taehyung was smoking earlier and came back in the canteen just a few seconds ago . He tried to find Jungkook but he was not there That's why he came to check the ground too but suddenly he saw Jungkook sitting on the ground holding his leg and terror just took over his face . He quickly ran towards him in fear of him getting hurt   “ Jungkook !! What happened “ this was the first time Taehyung called Jungkook from his name .

Taehyung also didn’t realized that he just called the boy from his name , right now he just wants to know if he was okay .

“ Yeah !! Yeah !! Actually he was walking without looking in front of him and fell down bumping into me but don't worry I am helping him to stand up “ prisoners replied showing his fake smile crouching near them.

Taehyung started frowning , he don’t believe what this prisoner was saying to him . He knows that he is not this type of saint which he pretends to be instead he is a sly fox .

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