chapter 82

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" remember i told you about my father " Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded " ... After my mother's death i found out that my father sold me to some whore to get into the gangster world but mom saved me  ... " he clenched his hand" and his plan worked but still he wasn't satisfied , he wanted to be on top but as he was new , no one was siding with him until he started sending boys and girls to the rich people and ganster as they wanted like their slaves ... " Taehyung raised his eyes and looked at Seokjin who was biting his lip angrily then lowered his eyes .

" first he started bringing the kids to home who had no one , trained them to the certain age and then sent them to people house as slaves in return for their support ... " He closed his eyes" and like that Hoseok hyung was also brought "

Jimin eyes went wide " Hoseok... You mean Jung Hoseok ? " He asked and Taehyung nodded closing his eyes shut tightly.

Taehyung continued “ Hoseok hyung was the first child when brought to our house by my father and the person who stood by side after seokjin hyung … "

" wait a minute !!!! " Jimin reacted blinking his eyes in disbelief " its not possible because hoseok hyung is boss of some hotel ...i clearly remember once going with yoongi hyung "

Taehyung bit his inside of the mouth looking here and there " that hotel comes under me ... We meet all big rich important people there and Hoseok hyung handel that ... "

" What !!!" Jimin eyes went wide" then why did he lie to us ? Especially to yoongi hyung?"

" because my father wanted that ... Because of him Hoseok hyung had to lie to yoongi hyung" Taehyung replied looking down in guilt .

Jimin rubbed his temple in disbelief keeping his one hand on his waist " I can't believe this ... Yoongi hyung loved him so much , how can he lie to him ? " he asked himself in his mind .

Meanwhile Taehyung continued " ...he wasn't  satisfied with support now he wanted some leverage over them and just like that one day dad brought a girl who was just 17 years old  and introduced us … “


“ She is a rookie actress …and going to work with us from today ..her name is Sofia “  Mr. Kim introduced keeping his hands in the pocket .

Sofia Bowed down and stood up with no much expression on her face “ hii .. nice to meet you two “ and brought her hand in front of them . Hoseok introduced themselves and handshake with her but Taehyung didn't and just kept on standing with his hand in his pockets .

Kim came around and sat down on the sofa while sofia , Taehyung and Hoseok stand in front of him .

Kim looked them “ from today onwards you are going to work with Sofia …” he took a black file from Mr . J who was standing behind the sofa and handed over to Hoseok .

Hoseok opened the file and saw a bio data of a boy named “ Yoongi… “ he looked Mr. Kim “ I have to be his slave? But he looks young… “

Kim shook his head lighting up his cigar “ no not slave…   you are going to make him fall in love with you … no matter how long it takes.. make him believe that you and him are true lovers “ and blow out a smoke in the air looking  Hoseok

“ his parents died when he was small ..” Hoseok  while reading started feeling bad for the boy “ …and now he is taking the exam of being a doctor and also he is the park son’s best friend.... “ he finished with an evil smirk on his face " i may need him one day ...!!"

" fall in love ? But why ? If you want any information we can get it from him but why to fall in love and who the hell is park .. who is he ?" Taehyung asked frowning.

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