chapter 31

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Taehyung tried to open his eyes, but the intense brightness made it hard for him to do so properly.

" open your eyes slowly, let your eyes adjust to the surrounding "

Taehyung heard some unfamiliar voice coming near him which he couldn't understand who the person was but followed his way and was finally able to open his eyes .

He saw an unknown boy standing in front of him " where am I ? " he asked looking around the room but couldn't understand the place .

" You are in infirmary room , do you remember when and how you were brought here ?" Suga asked looking confused Taehyung on bed .

Taehyung shook his head in denial " I don't .. last I remember " he tried to think " I was in the cell with Jungkook " as soon he thought about Jungkook he started looking for the boy around but he was not there .

" he is outside with officer Jimin and he is the one who brought you here in his arms " Suga said walking towards his desk .

Taehyung frowned " Jimin!! He brought me here ? " he asked shockingly . He was not expecting Jimin because for whole two day he didn't saw Jimin once . He started thinking that Jimin just don't care about him but he was the one who brought him here was really shocking .

Suga grabbed few medicines from the desk, walked towards Taehyung and hand it over in Taehyung hand with water bottle " quickly take this and get out before anyone see you here . I have applied medicine on your wounds but you need to apply cold pressure as much as possible which is impossible here but still it's my duty to tell you " he said sarcastically.

Holding prescribed medications in his hand, Taehyung was absolutely amazed. He has never seen a doctor shooing a patient out of a hospital room, but what he can say , it is a infirmary room in prisoner not some luxury room of hospital what can he expect . He put the medicine inside his mouth and drank it .

" what's your relationship with officer Jimin ?"

Taehyung has just put his legs down from bed with very difficulty but as soon he heard Suga he just halted in his track and started looking him with question look .

" I am asking this because Jimin brought you here like his life was depending on you . He even begged me to do him a favor which I have never seen him doing for anyone  " he asked looking Taehyung with crossed arms on his chest .

Taehyung was stunned again " he begged you ? " this was another thing which he was not expecting from him .

" I personally don't like you much because I have heard so many things about you but if he and you have something then I just want to warn you " he tucked some medicine inside his shirt pocket staring Taehyung in his eyes " don't make any trouble for him , he is already in enough mess" he Warned lightly patting on Taehyung pocket with a dangerous look on his face .

Taehyung clenched his hand tightly. He was not liking the way Suga was talking with him . It is obvious that he will never cause Jimin any trouble. This goes without saying but the way he was warning him was triggering his anger point inside him " Listen you  ..."

"hyung!! How much more time ? Two hours have passed already?" Before Taehyung could finish speaking, Jimin slammed open the door since he and Jungkook were getting impatient. However, when he saw Taehyung sitting on the bed, his eyes widened to the point of being startled. He couldn't believe his eyes for a few seconds " Tae....!!"he quickly ran towards Taehyung and without thinking twice that his friend was standing behind him he hugged him bringing Taehyung in his embrace " ohh thank god you are awake "

For the third time in a row, Taehyung was in a state of shock. For a brief while, he was unable to comprehend why Jimin was hugging him, but as soon as he heard the stress in Jimin's voice, his heart began to race. He raised his hands, placing them on his waist " Jimin !! I am okay now "

Jimin moved Little back from hug to look Taehyung " do you have an idea how much scared we was " he scolded hitting Taehyung on his shoulder lightly . He was genuinely scared when he saw Taehyung fainted and bot opening his eyes .

If it had been anyone else, Taehyung would have just broken that hand, but he didn't even get angry at Jimin for hitting him Instead, a smile appeared on his face.

Suga who was standing behind Jimin , whom everyone just forget is in the room too . He has to cleared his throat to get attention towards him .

Jimin looked back and then realized that he just hugged Taehyung without thinking and  quickly stepped back from Taehyung bowing down smiling " thank you so much hyung, I promise I will never forget this favor"

Suga nodded, took hold of his hand, and dragged the boy to his desk. Meanwhile Jimin was confused , he asked Suga, "hyung, what happened," not understanding why he was dragging him .

" Jim.." Before Suga could finish his speech, he noticed Jimin busy glancing at Taehyung who was also looking him rather than paying attention to him.

This made suga irritated , he rubbed his temple in frustration "Jimin , look at me or I will make him go unconscious again"

Jimin instantly turned his head and eyes to Suga as soon he heard his threat " yes hyung !! I am listening you "

Suga was left amazed looking at Jimin " what's your relationship with him ?" he asked with stern voice but Jimin has no Idea what he was trying to ask . He blinked his eyes in confusing " we are just friends.. you cigarette partners .. we are that "

" are you serious? Suga was in disbelief " you want me to believe that ? Do you even looked yourself when you brought him here ? You were looking so tensed like not his life but your life was in danger and I have to save you "

Jimin was left speechless . He was trying to find the words to explain and deny his accusation but he was not finding a single excuse. He knows that his heart has some feelings for Jungkook because of that night where he found Jungkook cute but he never saw Taehyung like that or maybe he did but he never noticed.

He never thought but after hearing his friend's comments he also believed that he was behaving like the way suga says , but why ? , he began to question why he was acting in that way. If he has any feelings for Jungkook, then why was he acting in such a manner against Taehyung? He looked at Taehyung to try and find the solution, but he couldn't . Instead, his heart began to beat rapidly, which is even more puzzling.

" Jimin !! "Suga glared at Taehyung and stated, "Don't get hurt again, and trust me, he's not a good option "

On the other hand , Taehyung couldn't hear anything that both of them  were talking about . Instead He was busy looking Jimin . He was still dazed and never came out of that hug.

He thought that Jimin only cared for Jungkook that's why that night Jimin took Jungkook with him and left him behind but today that eyes which were filled with tension was for him .

His heart was beating fast since Jimin hugged him but why it was beating so fast . Was it because of Jimin or he is wounded that's why he couldn't understand . Everything was confusing for him and He was lost 
in the circle of it all.

Jungkook, however, was waiting outside the room but the moment he saw Taehyung seated on the bed , He wanted to run and hug him , but he was unable to even enter the room. He was making every effort to enter, but he was too afraid to even take a step. Despite this, he was trying . However, as soon as he saw Jimin and Taehyung busy in each other , he turned and walked to the side of the room , before anyone could notice .

He was unsure of why he was hiding himself from them , but when he saw them grinning at each other and completely ignoring him, his heart began to ache. He is also unsure of why it ached and why it was aching he has no idea about that . He just knows he has to hide himself to stop his heart from aching . This is the only reason he could find for his behavior and for the whole time he didn't go inside and keep on standing outside. He found this idea to stay outside better than to go inside and disturb them .

Hey my lovely readers 💜

i would like to apologise to all my readers for not updating the new chapter yesterday 🙇🏻‍♀️ actually i don't how but i got really ill yesterday, thats why i couldn't even put announced also . Please forgive me this time and I'll try to update on time regularly as soon i get a little better.

I love you all 💜💜

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