chapter 77

551 21 16

Hoseok came out of the restaurant, picked out the cigarette with lighter looking the sky and started smoking while some people behind him brought the body dragging and went towards the car on the right and dumped that body in the car truck .

Hoseok walked towards them blowing the smoke in the air " be careful ... don't get caught " he instructed and walked back in his restaurant . When he was in the hall suddenly a wrapper of choclate came in his hand which he kept earlier " I should call him ..." . He picked out the phone and called the number with name "love"

" hello baby .. are you awake? "

" yeahh , just little tired ... thank you for the food "

A wide smile came on his face " well I know what my baby like don't work or run here and there , take rest ...okay "

" okay .. "

" Love you.." and was going to cut the phone when he suddenly heard Yoongi calling his name , he hummed in reply " yes baby ... "

" Where are you? I am feeling lonely and scared "

Hoseok looked around himself with a small frown " I am at work baby ... don't worry I will be back soon , just till then sleep , you will find me there as you open your eyes.. okay "

Yoongi hummed " bye Hoseok "

Hoseok doesn't know but when he heard Yoongi say goodbye he felt weird in his heart " bye baby " and hung up the phone. He kept his phone back in his pocket still thinking about Yoongi when suddenly he heard some noises coming from outside . He turned and walked out " WHAT HAPPENED? WHY YOU SCREAMING? " he asked looking staff panicking looking someone , when stepped forward to know who it was making his staff members anxious his eyes went wide .

" HANDS IN THE AIR ... NO ONE MOVES ... NO ONE " Yoongi shouted to everyone holding a gun in front of them in the air taking deep breath with sweat visible on his forehead.

Bodyguard also have their gun pointed on him but no one was moving as Yoongi asked but Hoseok didn't listen to him and slowly stepped forward " Yoongi.. " he looked him from top to bottom " what are you doing here ? " he asked walking towards Yoongi .

" I SAID DON'T MOVE .. " Yoongi shouted again this time looking Hoseok with visible tears in his eyes but still he was standing bravely . He was hurting but still he didn't hesitate to point his gun on his love.

Hoseok stopped with his hand in the air " okay . Okay .. I am not moving .. but lower your gun down first .. let talk"

Yoongi shook his head " no .. " his was heavy and tears on their edge to flow down but he didn't want to be weak " no .. I don't want to talk with you "

Hoseok heart was hurting too but not looking at the gun pointed at him but watching tears in his eyes and trembling hands of his " Yoongi.. at least talk to me .. " he looked around with thumping heart and noticed his bodyguard on guard , as soon Yoongi get distracted they will pull Tigger on him but he can't let Yoongi even get a starch , he just can't .

" What should I talk to you .. huh ?? " Yoongi asked, he was hurting thinking that his love killed someone and as a police officer he can't accept that no matter how much he loves him .

" whatever you want ... everything " He was getting anxious looking around, he knows his bodyguards are skilled , he was the one who made them skilled but now at this moment he regret it most .

Yoongi looked Hoseok " then tell me .. why you killed that person? Who are you ? Why you have a gun ? Why? "

Hoseok eyes wide open in astonishment .

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