chapter 45

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After laughing so much last night , at what time they all slept Jungkook has no idea of that .

He slowly opened his eyes while yawning and looking around himself but he found himself alone in the room . Both the boys were nowhere in the room .

“ where are they ? “ he was disappointed not to find any of them and slept back again hugging Taehyung pillow with a visible pout on his face .

Jimin was in the locker room getting changed to go back home. He received a call from his mother in the morning when he was sleeping with Taehyung and Jungkook in the cell and asked him to come home , that is why he has no option than to go back home which didn't want . Since he heard Those unknown officers gossip about killing someone on his floor he was having a bad feeling . If it was not for his mom , he would never have left them alone here .

Meanwhile Taehyung was in the visiting room . After an hour of talking , Taehyung was coming back to his cell visiting his brother and suddenly saw a few new officers guarding others prisoner cell on his floor. This was very weird because last time he remembered this whole level is under Jimin supervision only when he is busy then only other officer use to come and if Jimin is busy still these officers doesn’t look like the officers from their faces .

“ Why are there so many officers today ?” Taehyung asked in low voice glaring at those weird looking officers around.

“It was chief idea to double the security , we also don’t know why he did that “ Minhyuk replied looking those officer too with a slight frown on his face .

Taehyung was surprised to hear Minhyuk as he was the first Officer who replied to him without any attitude or mocking.

while walking towards his cell , something came into his mind which he felt an urge to know . He looked at Minhyuk “ umm !! .... " He hesitated and wasn't sure if he should ask, but he still made the decision to do so because he had a feeling that Minhyuk would undoubtedly respond to him , as he did reply earlier with no arrogance , “ ....Is officer Jimin gone somewhere.. I mean he is the one who always supervises our level but today he is nowhere “

“ Ohh senior officer Jimin!! “ he replied with a smile “ he has gone home today “ he stopped near Taehyung cell to unlock the gate and looked Taehyung “ he is the one who asked me personally to handle your cell till he comes back , that’s why I came to take you back” he smiled unlocking Taehyung handcuffs for him to go inside the cell .

Taehyung nodded “ thank you officer “ and bowed down smiling .

“ its Minhyuk  ” Minhyuk smiled extending his hand in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung was stunned again. This was again the first time that some officers extended their hand for a handshake.

Taehyung nod in respect extending his hand to handshake too with a smile “ thank you officer Minhyuk “

Minhyuk smiled but suddenly his smile started fading away when he saw someone glaring at him from inside the cell .

When Taehyung sensed his expression altering while glancing inside the cell, he turned to take a peek and laughed when he saw Jungkook giving Minhyuk a threatening stare.

Taehyung turned to look at Minhyuk “ it was nice to meet you officer Minhyuk “ he bowed down again and walked inside his cell .

Minhyuk smiled back but that smile didn’t remain for long looking Jungkook stare which was literally making his body chill in fear.

Jungkook walked towards Taehyung and stood next to Taehyung holding his hand in his tightly still glaring at Minhyuk .

When Minhyuk noticed their hands, he realised why Jungkook was staring at him, and a smile spread across his face. He locked the door and walked away from there with a smile on his face leaving two love birds inside the cell .

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