chapter 12

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Jimin on the other hand , after his meeting ended he stood up from his seat to go out but before he could go out someone came near him .

" hey !! Officer park Jimin !! How are you ? I am the head of this prison " Jimin bowed down instantly " nice to meet you sir "

Senior officer nodded smiling " me too !! And how is your dad ? I heard so many things about you from your dad ...yeah you know what's funny ...your dad was my senior back at that time when i was your age and now I am your senior " after saying this he started laughing loudly but Jimin found nothing funny to laugh but still he smiled " he is fine and dad talks about you a lot "

Senior officer was amazed " ahh really !!! Then I should go and meet him " and start laughing again .

Jimin again found nothing to laugh but still in respect he smilingly nodded " then ...I should go " He was going to walk out ignoring this not so important person but senior again stopped him this time grabbing his hand .

Jimin's smiling face suddenly disappeared , he looked down at his hand which the senior officer was holding .

Looking at his face senior left his hand immediately and jokingly asked " we are going for lunch outside , why don't you join us " .

Jimin smiled again , looking back in the senior eyes " thanks but I need to go " and turned walking out of the meeting room .

As soon he walked out chief came near senior and asked " you look close to his father " .

Senior officer was still looking the way Jimin went , suddenly his smile vanished and turned into a smirk " no !! We are not close, His dad hates me just like I do "

When Jimin walked out he face suddenly changed into dangerous one , he went to rest room and started washing his hand vigorously untill his hand were turned red .

Other officers who were in the rest room too were watching him with confused and stunned look both . One of them asked slowly " sir !! Is something wrong with your hand " .

Jimin stopped when he heard him " something filthy touched me ". He looked his hand which were turned red from rubbing again and again and even have few starches because of his nails or maybe this was also because of rubbing . He was not sure.

He took out his handkerchief and walked out from the rest room drying his hand .

Jimin head was aching but it was not that much according to him , from there he walked straight to canteen . When he reached he saw Jungkook dragging Taehyung from his hand to the seat and one prisoner was screaming in pain .

Jimin saw how Jungkook and Taehyung was smiling but he don't why looking them smiling his heart was little aching that he has nothing to smile but he surpassed this weird aching and asked others two officer who were his junior and came with him in canteen , to take the crying prisoner to the infirmary .

They two agreed following Jimin command and took that prisoner out . He was going to follow them but again his eyes fall on the boys who were still smiling . He clenched his hand tightly and instead of following them he walked out straight to the ground to smoke out his anger and this aching because according to him smoking is only thing that can help him .

He put the cigarette in mouth and from his other hand tried to burn it but now his lighter was showing him tantrums , it was not working . He shook the lighter again and again tried to burn but still was burning , his frustration started growing more inside him but suddenly another lighter came and light up his cigarette for him .

Jimin flew a big smoke out in the air then he felt his heart and mind little at ease , he turned his head to thank the person but he was left stunned .

" it seems you have too much on your mind " Taehyung was looking straight but turned his head to look stunned Jimin on his left but his eyes fall on Jimin scratched and red hand from which he was holding cigarette " but still you shouldn't hurt yourself " .

Jimin suddenly hides his hand away from Taehyung and starts looking straight , slightly frowning because of the sun rays " Prisoners are not allowed to smoke " but instead of stopping him he keeps on smoking .

Taehyung chuckled , he also started looking straight " right !! I heard officers are also not allowed to smoke too " .

Jimin nodded blowing the smoke in the air but didn't reply anything .

For few minutes they didn't say anything and just keep standing side by side , like a smoking buddies .

Jimin didn't say anything but he was little happy inside that Taehyung was with him even though not saying anything which too strange for him .

Bell rang and now all the prisoners had to be taken to their cell .

Jimin after taking everyone to their cell was now taking Taehyung and Jungkook back to their cell .

When Jimin opened the cell , Jungkook standing keeping his head low saw Jimin red starched hand . His eyes were wide open.

Suddenly and unconsciously Jungkook grabbed Jimin hand in his " hey !! What happened .

Jungkook asked politely , it was the first time Jungkook raised his head and looked at Jimin's face clearly .

But Jimin was stunned , when Jungkook grabbed his hand , he looked down at his hand in terror and pulled back his hand from Jungkook's hand immediately .

Jungkook was startled from sudden pull . He looked down at his hand and thought that he had done wrong touching Jimin's hand without permission. He is a prisoner , Of course it's disgusting to touch his hand , he should have known this before grabbing Jimin's hand . He scolded himself inside his mind.

Taehyung on the other hand was observing the way Jimin pulled his hand. He was startled too but he knows that Jimin is not that of a person who will be disgusted touching Jungkook hand then whats the reason he did that .

Jimin quickly maintain his posture , opened the gate and made both of them go inside . He not even once during this time looked above and made eye contact with them . He was going to walk away but Jungkook stopped him . He wanted to ignore Jungkook and walk away but his legs didn't cooperate with him and stopped for him .

Jungkook ran inside the room , grabbed something under their bed and came running back pushing something in jimin hand .

Jimin opened his fist and saw medicine which he gave to them earlier .

Jungkook hesitated but still said " don't ..get hurt.."

Jimin didn't say anything and just walked away from there , Jungkook looked him walking away again like always never looked back once .

Jungkook turned his head towards Taehyung " how do you think he got hurt .

Taehyung shakes his head in denial . He looked the way Jimin went , even though he fight and bullies him he didn't want the boy to get hurt .

Jimin again came straight to restroom and was going to wash his hand again but suddenly Jungkook innocent face flashed in the mirror in front of him asking how he got hurt ? And Taehyung's face when he told him not to get hurt .

Jimin couldn't understand what was happening , he looked at his hand again but strangely now he didn't feel an urge to wash his hand .

He was sweating and breathing heavily , so instead of washing his hand he washed his whole face to cool himself down.

After getting calm , he came out of the rest room but while walking he raised his hand to look at it " how can this be possible ?" he asked himself .

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