|16| The confused

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"Everything okay honey?" My dad asks from across the balcony while watering the plants

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"Everything okay honey?" My dad asks from across the balcony while watering the plants.

For my free day I decided to go back home and spend time with my dad. He made my favorite food, tacos, and cheesecake for dessert. Then I searched for some book worth reading and sat down on the balcony.

"Yeah, it's just Carlos." I read the text once again and click on the picture.

"Is he okay?" He turns around, leaving the hose behind.

"He is okay, he was just updating me about his day." I zoom in on the picture.

He looks... good and even though I hate smoking it's different on him for some reason, it just fits and it's I don't know, attractive? God, I have to stop.

"What is he doing that's so interesting you keep staring at your phone?" My dad asks cautiously.

"What?" I forget about Carlos blue eyes looking straight at the camera and focus on my dad. "I was just thinking of what to reply, he was an ass yesterday and he just apologized." I try to act natural.

"Mia... I really don't want to say but I fear I have to so I will, he is not the one for you." My heart stops for a second and my phone almost slips out of my hand.

Not for me? What is he talking about? I was just checking a picture it doesn't mean anything.

"Dad, I don't know what you are talking about." I shake my head.

"You don't? Then why did you say no when the opportunity of leaving presented itself even after repeatedly telling me how annoying he was? I tried not giving much thought at first but you talk a lot about him and apparently text too."

"We get along, I want to help him that's it," I say not really sure I even believe it. Could I feel something for him? No, I got distracted and confused that's all.

And my dad also doesn't seem convinced in the slightest.

"Listen, I get the appeal, he is a good-looking guy, he has a job and he is settled in life but he is thirty-six Mia, and his way of living is not the kind of life you want or deserve. That without talking about everything he went through, he is a good man I'm not saying otherwise but he is flawed honey."

For a second I just stare at my dad in disbelief, he thinks I don't know that? Because I do, I know Carlos is flawed, I know everything he just said. I'm not some young dumb girl that falls for the first guy that gives her attention and needs to be reminded of protecting her perfect little heart. I know my worth the same way I also know Carlos would never see me that way. He is attractive sure and he is also smart and funny but I won't allow myself to feel something, I can't.

"Dad, there's nothing between us. I know what I'm doing, and if you are worried because of what happened in the past know that I won't repeat the pattern. I know what's good for me." And I do, I won't go through what I went through all over again.

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