|44| The morning light

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When I wake up it takes me a few seconds to remember I fell asleep in Carlos' room waiting for him

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When I wake up it takes me a few seconds to remember I fell asleep in Carlos' room waiting for him. I have a vague memory that I woke up sometime during the night when he came to bed but I was beat, I couldn't stay awake any longer even if I wanted to.

Now it can't be later than 8 am taking the soft rays of the first hours of the sun getting through the half-closed blinds.

Turning around I notice the friction of something going against the mattress and looking down at my body I find a shirt I didn't have on when I fell asleep. Carlos must have put it on when he noticed I was only in my underwear. Underwear that I had practically run to my room to get when he told me to wait for him dressed in nothing else than that. Maybe I should have stayed awake. His promise did sound appealing...

It's when I hear his soft breathing that I finally snap away from my thoughts and look at him. He is sleeping on his stomach, one hand over his pillow next to his head and other over the mattress reaching in my direction. He was probably holding me before we unconsciously moved away from each other during the night.

When he is sleeping he looks so calm, at peace, every muscle of his body relaxed. I can't help but stare, taking him in. Because it's not only that he is handsome he is gorgeous. From his dark now messy waves to his long eyelashes that I know frame the most beautiful of eyes and to his full pink-ish lips. He is perfect, every single inch of him.

And he is mine... or at least I would like to think he is. We never really established what we are. But is it really necessary? I know I don't want anyone else but him.

"Hi." He whispers, his blue eyes looking better than ever with this light.

As cliche as it might sound I could get lost in them and never come back.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" I ask as he reaches for me and moves me back into his embrace.

"Amazing, thanks to you." He speaks against my hair.

"Glad to be of service." I smile even though he can't see me and hug him tighter, my hands unconsciously wandering to his back. When I'm with him I just want to be as close to him as possible, it's like my body craves him. "In more ways than one." I joke.

He doesn't reply but I feel him smiling (or at least I think I do) as I keep on running my hands through his strong back. I stop when I press my fingertips into his skin and notice the sudden change of texture.

His scars.

I haven't brought them up since I discovered them back on that session with Hunter, even though he didn't seem to care, or at least not about people seeing them he didn't seem eager to talk about them either so I let it go.

"A belt." He breaks the silence, answering the question he knows I have been meaning to ask for so long but have no courage to. "It wasn't often that he hit me, physical abuse wasn't really his thing but when he did he liked to leave a mark."

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