Talks, Walks, and Water Glocks

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Rimuru POV

I waited a bit, giving the kid some space, but after a few hours of nothing, I finally 'called' Iruma, but got no response.

It's almost morning, I should probably go check on him.

So, I use Spatial Domination and warp to Treyni's bar.

Iruma fell asleep, somehow. Yeah, the first thing I see once I get to the place is Iruma snoozing with his head lying on the bar, a half-finished mug of hot chocolate resting next to him. He must've been pretty damn tired to fall asleep like that.

I shake my head at the sight, knowing that I can't leave him like this.

"Finally came to pick up your kid, huh?" Hinata coldly asks from a nearby seat.

"Well, yeah, I'm not gonna let him keep sleeping in a bar of all places. This place is safe and all, but he needs a bed to sleep properly. Did you stay with him all night or something?"

"Nobody else was keeping an eye on him, and I was already here."

"I offered to watch the boy, Lord Rimuru, but Lady Hinata insisted on doing the job herself." Treyni chimed in.

"Uh-huh...that's what I thought."

Her soft side is showing again...I wish she'd be like that with me every so often!

"I insisted on staying for other reasons." Hinata clarifies.

I have the sneaking suspicion she was trying to escape Luminous, but I won't bring that vampire up right now. She's already caused me enough problems for one day, and if I mention her, for all I know she'll hear me and show up.

I was about to use my skills to send Iruma to his bed, but then Hinata speaks up again.

"He told me some interesting things too..." Hinata says, pointing at Iruma. "For example, I didn't know you were pretending to be a schoolgirl in your free time."

Nope, nope, nope! I am NOT responding to that!

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I immediately teleport away, taking Iruma with me, still asleep. There's no way I could easily explain myself without sounding like a total pervert, so I'm not even gonna try. Let's just hope that she'll keep that little secret to herself.

Iruma, warped to appear right above his bed, flops forward onto his stomach, still asleep.

"Eep!" A high-pitched scream rings out, and I notice that there's someone in the room with me, outside of Iruma.

It seems I startled her by appearing out of nowhere like that.

Katelyn POV

(A/N: Everyone always seems to forget who this character is, so to avoid confusion, Katelyn is the maid that was assigned to Iruma.)

First thing in the morning, I'd gone to wake up the boy that I'd been assigned to, just to find his bed empty and his room's door ajar. At first, I wasn't terribly worried, but for the sake of doing my job right, I needed to track him down.

I searched everywhere; EVERYWHERE!

I knew that he went to the festival banquet with Demon Lord Rimuru, so I looked for him there, but no. I swear I paced up and down every hallway and poked my head into every room in this entire place and I still can't find him!

"I should tell someone that he's gone missing...but, with such an important job, I'm sure I'll be fired if I do! What should I do, what should I do!?"

Mumbling to myself, I walk in circles in his room, trying to decide my next step.

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