Adorable Ego Death (Bonus Chapter)

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Author's Note: Here's another bonus chapter brought to you by Bellatrix, aka Trixie_The_Kitty! Make sure to thank her with all the headpats you can afford, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.


**The Night After the Harvest Festival**

Rimuru POV

Two months.

With the Harvest Festival lasting 6,666 minutes, and fifteen perspectives from which I experienced it, I have over two months' worth of memories to consolidate tonight.

Over two months of me doing no doubt very foolish things, as being a Parallel Fragment has as profound an effect on my judgment as a bottle of hard liquor.

"Tell me, Ciel. Was the sheer volume of culinary data we gathered worth it?" I look up at the manas holding my slimy self on her lap.

"I see it as a win-win," she replies. "I was able to gather a great amount of data on you as well, with your behavior unimpeded by your usual rationality."

That doesn't sound good for me though... Whatever. I'll just have to grit my teeth and bear it.

In lieu of any teeth to grit, I consciously project to Ciel's mind that it's what I would be doing if I were in my human form right now.

"Alright, I might as well get started. Ciel, could you pick a random clone to integrate the memories of?"

"Certainly. How about we start with..."


Ameri POV

The first night of the Harvest Festival sees by far the most student injuries, as ill-prepared demons go from gatherers to prey. Thus, both the teachers and the Student Council work together to rescue endangered students.

"President, there's a student in danger!" calls out Zagan, the subordinate I assigned to watch the camera feeds for me.

I rush over to the screens to see the situation for myself — It's Rimuru, no doubt one of her reduced-functionality clones, being slowly ensnared by a drooling vine trap.

"Aaah, help me Ameri, you're my only hope..." she lazily begs for help.

"It appears she wants to be rescued by you, President."

This is totally just her pulling an annoying ruse to get my attention, right?

"Whatever. There's fourteen spares of her, if this one lets herself get eaten it's hardly a problem," I dismiss the plea.

"President, you can't say that!"

"I most certainly can. If we rescue her, the teachers would have a serious problem as no one knows how the rules about withdrawing apply to a student with multiple minds and bodies."

"That seems too harsh, making a student experience death for the sake of keeping the rules simple."

"It's a drooling vine trap, she won't remember anything unpleasant. Besides, I'm sure this is just her toying with us, she'll free herself as soon as she realizes no one's coming."

The plant that has Rimuru snagged is one of the more insidious hazards of the Harvest Festival, a carnivorous vine that secretes a hallucinogenic substance to make its prey lose any sense of danger or suffering.

We watch for a few minutes to see how this plays out, seeing her entangled more and more, waiting for her to suddenly break out and show it was all a ruse.

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