Chapter 54: Plan in Motion

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Jossalyn's POV:

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Jossalyn's POV:

"Oh god." Jossalyn screams out.

Thankfully Bill and Cindy took the kids in the house before she had her major meltdown.

"Hey baby remember you are not alone.   You have me." Chase says pulling her close.

"I know but I don't want to go to court.   I don't want my babies to hear what that son of a bitch did to me." Jossalyn says.

"I don't know if I want to know all of it baby.    I've seen your PTSD episodes and they were bad."  Chase says.

"He beat me Chase.   He beat me within inches of my life multiple times.   He killed our third child not even caring that I was pregnant.      Hours later came loving up on me because he wanted sex.   Sex I was still bleeding after the miscarriage but he didn't care." Jossalyn says starting to cry.

"Jesus Jossalyn please don't tell me he fucking raped you?" Chase growls.

"He did several times.    He just kept going and going.   I was so weak and light headed I couldn't fight." Jossalyn cries laying her head in his chest.

"God baby girl, I am so sorry.   So so sorry." Chase says kissing her head.

"Please don't pitty me." Jossalyn says softly in between sobs.

Chase lifts her head gently so their eyes met.

"I would never pity you Joss.   Ever.   You rose up baby, you got yourself and your kids out of there and you made a life for them." Chase says before kissing her lips softly. 

"Yeah by taking my clothes off for guys money and giving raunchy lap dances.    No wonder your parents didn't like me at first they probably thought I was a pit lizard after your money." Jossalyn says huffing

"Hey don't settle yourself short baby.   You did what you had to, to make it for your kids.    You put them before yourself.    You are a bad ass mother and I am so happy you are carrying our babies.    But most of all I am happy you are my wife.    You have trauma yes but you don't let that stop you, you wear those scars like fucking war paint.   You are a bad ass warrior queen and that is why I know you are going to go into that court room and you're going to slaughter Kris and any chances he has of getting Josh and Melissa."  Chase says.

"I am.   I'm a survivor!   I am going to go in there and hand him his balls on a silver platter, unless I shove them down his throat." Jossalyn says.

"And you won't have to do it alone.    You have me, my parents, Ryan and Gianna and a slew of other people who will have your back."  Chase says.

"I know.   We will have to call a lawyer tomorrow." Jossalyn says.

"We will baby.   Now let's go eat and celebrate my moms birthday and then put the kids to bed." Chase says.

"Okay." Jossalyn replies.

Jossalyn and Chase head into the house.     They with the family.    Melissa and Jossalyh then come out with a cake for Cindy.   It was a red velvet cake.

"Ganma, Mama and me made cake." Melissa says.

"For me?" Cindy asks.

"Yes.   Wuv eww Ganma!" Melissa says.

"I love you too sweet pea." Cindy says lifting her up into her lap.  

They all sang happy birthday to her and then with Melissa's help she blew out the candles.    It was the cutest most sweetest thing ever.     Chase wraps his arm around her kissing her head.

A little later once the kids were in bed and the dogs were all taken care of Jossalyn was summoned to their bedroom.     Chase led her into the bathroom where a bubble bath for two was waiting.    They both get in and Jossalyn relaxed against him.       They finally shower off the bubbles.     They then head to bed and Chase ends up making sweet passionate love to her being just what she needed.    Then both snuggle together fallen asleep.


Chase's POV: 

The next morning Chase woke up before Jossalyn.    He was going to let her sleep a bit longer.      He got dressed and headed downstairs.     He did at home PT that day thankful the therapist was able to make a house call.      Finally he went to get the kids up and they made breakfast.

"What's this?" Jossalyn asks walking into the kitchen.

"Daddy making beck fest." Melissa says.

"Oh is he really now?" Jossalyn asks.

"Yup all your favorites mama including scrapple." Josh says.

"Set the table baby." Chase says before stealing a kiss from her.

"Okay.   Your parents joining us?" Jossalyn asks.

"Nope they headed back to Dawsonville." Chase says.

"Oh okay." Jossalyn says.

"Yes Ryan and Gianna are coming over and taking the kids to the stables.    Josh is done his school already and Melissa did some learning with me as well." Chase says.

Jossalyn sat the table and they sat down and ate together.     Jossalyn cleans up when they finish.     Ryan and Gianna came and got the kids.    Not long after they left the lawyer showed up.

"I my name is Peter Benson.    I am a  family lawyer and I came to talk over your plan and how we are going to about doing it." He says.

They sat down and talked.     Jossalyn told him everything.     Every beating she took, every single time he raped her.     How he murdered their child.      Jossalyn was smart she had every single report made, she had the numerous rape kits that were done.    She had the divorce papers and original custody documents.     

"So do I have a strong case?" Jossalyn finally asks.

"You do.    He don't stand a chance.    Not with all this evidence against him deeming him unfit." Peter says.

"Thank you." Chase says.

"I'll be in touch with you as soon as I find out the dates.  " Peter says.

He leaves.    Chase puts his arms around her waist kissing her head.

"Those babies aren't going anywhere baby.    They are staying with us." Chase says.

"I know." Jossalyn says.

Ryan and Gianna decided to keep the kids.     Chase and Jossalyn had a little date night, dinner movie.    Finally they took the dogs out and headed to bed.    They get ready and climb in.

"Good night baby.   Get some rest." Chase says.

"You too baby." Jossalyn says.

They both snuggle together falling into a much needed sleep.

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