How could you?!

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Notes: Tensions run high in the family as they try to figure out if the child really looks like Drew.

Sidenotes: Hey y'alll. I'm back with Part 3 of Family Secrets when things get even more crazier than they were before now let's enjoy!!!!!

"This can't be happening." Drew said losing his everlasting mind because he couldn't find his wife. "I know goodness well I told her to stay in one of these rooms if she ever got mad at me again." Drew said walking around the house checking the empty bedrooms that had beds in it to see if Karen was in one of them but she wasn't.

"Let me go check downstairs." Drew said going towards the elevator but he had also knew that Karen or the kids barely went down there so he wasn't sure if he was gonna find her or not.

"Please let her be down here." Drew asked, God praying that she was somewhere in his man cave.

But when he walked into the open spaced room he didn't see her until he went to back of the room and saw her sitting at the edge of the bed and he could finally catch his breath placing a hand over his chest.

"Baby?!" Drew said peeking his head in through the door a little afraid to come into the room not knowing how Karen was gonna react to seeing him because he knows that she had came all the way down here to try to get away from him since he barely goes into his own man cave.

But when Karen didn't respond to him he just started talking to her not knowing what else to do. But he was just relieved that Karen didn't leave again for the second time.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean for any of that to get out of hand." Drew told her as Karen had just ignored him laying on the bed on her side now and Drew knew she was upset.

"I don't know how but I'm a fix this okay this isn't going to break us up!" Drew told her.

"I don't care what nobody says I'm not gonna let my past mistakes destroy our marriage." Drew said taking in accountability for himself. Even though, Karen didn't say anything and still wouldn't look at him he had walked over there only for her to close her eyes because she was still silently crying and he had gently kissed her forehead.

"I love you." Drew said not knowing what else to do to make Karen feel better.

"I can't believe Drew's block head self did this to Karen?!" Dorinda said being at her brother-in-law. "Dorinda stop being mad at him we all knew that man was a hoe and something like this was bound to happen." Denise said taking up for Drew.

"Oh so you would rather me not beat that hoe's ass after talking mess about Karen?!" Dorinda said having to beat that woman up anyways because she went off at the mouth speaking ill of Karen when she had left and Drew couldn't stop Dorinda that time and Dorinda ain't care that Toya had threatened to press charges on her and to sue the church because Dorinda said, "And I'll do it again!" Right to Toya's face which scared the woman off making her take the child with her hearing her throw threats out her car window.


"HE NEEDS TO SPEND SOME QUALITY TIME WITH HIS CHILD WHO HE ABANDONED!" She yelled at him looking right at Drew giving him the evil eye.


And, Matti just shook her head remembering that because that was just a hot mess.

"I know Papa Sheard told his son to wrap it up." Denise said folding her arms but both Matti and Jacky had looked at her. "You do know that condoms aren't 100% right so that demon child that Drew have is that %.0000001 that broke through." Jacky told her.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now