Getting to know you P3

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Notes: Faith tries to get too know Melody more after Melody had a talk with Karen.

After Karen and Melody had that moment they just decided to watch a movie together downstairs in the basement with just them being there since the two girls were upstairs and Karen already knew it was gonna take tooth and nail for them to come join them again after what had happened earlier.

But since Karen had gotten to what the root of the problem was Melody was actually pretty chill after you would bang some common sense into her head. She wasn't that much of a problem child it was just that she seemed to have been neglected for the majority of her life even though she had at least one parent with her that one parent couldn't even do their job properly to make sure that she was okay.

So now here they were watching one of Melody's favorite movies which was Matilda because sometimes she felt as if she could relate to her in the movie and then both of their names started with the letter "M" and when she was younger she had felt special because of that.

So after they had watched the movie in the theater, Melody had decided to go back upstairs to her room but before she had left she had surprisingly gave Karen a hug to which Karen wasn't prepared for because her body had tensed up a little bit because she ain't know what was about to happen. But instead it was a simple, thank you hug and Karen hugged her back like she would do one of her own kids finally accepting that Melody was now hers and she was going to see a change in her regardless of the fact if Faith or Nikki liked her or not she was gonna try to change for Karen because she was the only person in the house that was nice to her.

When that happened they had both went upstairs but Melody had made it up to her room first closing the door and so, Karen had knocked on Nikki's door first since her door was the closest to her telling her to get her sister and meet her in her room in five minutes so she could talk to them and Nikki just did what Karen said because Karen was going back to her room.

When the five minutes came both Faith and Nikki was in their mama's room and Karen had asked them to close the door so they could talk in private and they were in the back of the room which was further away from the door and that was like another sun room that Karen and Drew had in there since their room was large and had at least two sun rooms and a place to where they had sat their couch. But the couch was only for general conversations and not for serious ones.

So when they had went into the back sun room they knew they was in trouble.

"Y'all gotta start being nice to Melody." Karen said. "But mama." Faith said waiting until her mama was done talking so she wouldn't interrupt her. But she already had something to say about it. "No, but's Faith." Karen said shaking her head. "I'm already kinddd enuff to the girl." Faith said hating the fact that they was even talking about her. "Faith remember how you were when you first found out that I was your mother?" Karen told her. "Girl let's not forget that you hated me." Karen told her not wanting to bring up the hit again because all was forgiven after that. "You did me worse than Melody and Nikki combined." Karen told her and Faith just sucked her teeth. "But you don't see me holding it against you. I still loved you through that when I easily could've gave up on you." Karen reminded her.

"I could've let you stay in New York the second time you went back up there to better yourself. I really could've changed my mind about accepting you but I didn't." Karen told her. "You need to give Melody that same grace that I gave you because if anything you two are very much alike." Karen said seeing a little bit of how Faith was acting in Melody. "Y'all can't keep saying that." Faith said gasping being all dramatic again. "I am nothing like her." Faith said tilting her head.

"Yeah. Yes you are." Nikki said looking at her little sister. "I've just about had it hearing you say that too me. We don't act alike." Faith said denying it knowing goodness well Melody acted like her. "If y'all would stop arguing with each other y'all could be best friends." Nikki said shrugging her shoulders. "I know you not talking." Faith said rolling her neck at her older sister. "Pipe down little one, Melody might be a baby but remember I can still fight you." Nikki said as if she was one of those ladies who did the voice mails answering machines.

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