Are you serious? P2

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Notes: Karen goes back over to Dorinda's house to try to find out who attacked them and Drew tells Karen some news that she doesn't take too well.

It was the next week and Drew was yet again supposed to be spending time with his daughter which meant that Karen was her again at Dorinda's house throwing herself into finding out whoever had attacked her and Dorinda and needless to say they were getting closer with it every since both Dorinda and Karen had their own private investigators working on the case.

"It gotta be one of them." Dorinda said looking through the files while Karen had helped her.
"It have to be because this looks like him." Karen said pointing to a picture even though they were wearing a mask when they had attacked them.

"Well then if I know any better than what I know is that the spirit is telling me it's this fool right here." Dorinda said pointing at who could be one of Greg's cousins who was always trying Dorinda.

"Cause ain't no way it couldn't have been him." Dorinda said shrugging her shoulders and Karen just shook her head at the whole situation.

"I told Greg to watch out for that one and what he do act just like em smh." Dorinda said shaking her head and folding her arms.

"I can't believe they really tried to take us out like that." Dorinda said not believing it. "But I kinda can but I can't at the same time it's just hard to explain." Dorinda said knowing that they finally caught their person and now all they had to do was go ahead and let the police know so they could go to court for it.

"So, Doe how were you doing with everything?" Karen asked her just wanting to know.

"I mean I'm fine. What happened is in the past and we can't do nothing about what Greg did because we didn't know." Dorinda told her feeling sympathetic towards her baby sister.

"Yeah I felt bad about it. But beating myself up about it wasn't gonna do no good so I just gave it to God and moved on with my life." Dorinda said don't feeling no type of way about it.

And Karen just looked at her giving her a soft smile.

"Yeah I understand that and I didn't want anybody feeling bad because they didn't know. I was just scared and confused." Karen told her. "All I wanted was my mama and my sister. I just didn't know how to say it at that time." Karen said. "Aweee well you got me now I'm not as bad as I was before with therapy calming me all the way down." Dorinda chuckled making Karen laugh.

"But how are you really feeling about this situation with Drew's child?" Dorinda asked her and Karen just looked her head both ways making sure that no one was listening in on them talking since the siblings was there with them and their mama but they was out back.

"I know mama told me not to take it out on the girl and I'm not trying too." Karen told her.

"But it's like is it weird that I resent her for being his first child still?!" Karen genuinely asked her and Dorinda just honestly shrugged her shoulders.

"And, Doe I never told anyone this but..." Karen started to say looking around to make sure that no one was around again. And she wanted to go upstairs in her room to talk more privately but sometimes her family would be so nosy that they would listen from the other side of the door.

"Me and Drew were supposed to have been had one." Karen told her and Dorinda had looked at her sister as if she was shocked at first but then she had went back to normal because really wasn't surprising when it came to those two but it kinda was.

"What do you mean?" Dorinda asked her.

"Like....that night when Drew had found me in the brothel he cameee inside of me." Karen told her not knowing how else to say it and Dorinda said, "ooooh" with her eyes open wide. "You're talking about that." Dorinda told her.

Family Secrets Part 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant