Do I have to P4?

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Notes: Mattie prepares Karen to sing another solo in church after she gives Dorinda the silent treatment.

A few days after the DNA test was done Karen and her siblings were all over at her mothers house getting ready for Sunday. "Neither one of y'all is doing the solo." She told her daughters looking over at Dorinda, Jacky, Twinkie and Denise. "I thought I was doing it?!" Dorinda said to her scrunching up her face wanting to sing it. "No, Karen needs to do this one." Mattie said specifically looking at the message of the song and how she knew her baby girl was going through it in the last couple of months since the twins had came and how Karen almost had a setback after Harmony had found them last week and on top of that the DNA testing had her all worried.

"I think it's the perfect fit for her." Mattie said showing them the lyrics of the song.

"But ma can she vocally deliver?" Denise asked her and Dorinda kinda wanted to back Denise up with that question and Mattie arched her eyebrow at them.

"Yes she can. We're Clark's and all we do is excellent."  Mattie told them.

"Can she deliver vocally y'all act like y'all ain't seen her do the duet a couple of months ago?!" Mattie said lightly scolding them. "Tell Karen to bring herself in here." Mattie said knowing that Karen was stalling because she was just standing in the bathroom after looking at herself in the mirror flashing water on her face to try to get her mind right because she felt like she was going crazy after taking that DNA test wondering how on earth could the twins be hers? But after she had did that and took her deep breaths so she wouldn't have a panic attack in her mothers house she heard Twinkie knocking on the door calling for her.

So, Twinkie went and bought Karen into the room but when she came out, Karen had looked like she was mad as hell and she couldn't stand being next to Dorinda because to her this was all Dorinda's fault for even snitching on her being over at her house when she wasn't even supposed to be there.

"I know you're still not mad at me about having to take that DNA test?!" Dorinda asked her baby sister because Karen had been giving her the silent treatment every since then and would ignore her phone calls and she was gonna do this until the tests results came back negative to show her that they weren't here kids and so, Karen just tilted her head to the side rolling her eyes at her.

"Ma...." Dorinda said placing her hands on her hips. "And you really gonna let Karen sing this solo while acting like that?!" Dorinda asked her mother.

"Hush up chileee don't worry about what I'm doin'." Mattie told her putting a hand up to Dorinda's face and Karen had tried to leave after hearing that but Mattie had sat her back down.

"Sit down." Mattie seriously told Karen and so Karen just sat there folding her arms.

"Karen I've been trying to not say this to you or to figure out how this can get through to your head because this attitude that you're having about Drew'sss twins isn't cute. It's not right and it's just down right sinful. You're living in sin at this point." Mattie told her.

"You're habitually sinning. Willfully sinning by treating them girls differently." Mattie said rebuking her daughter while correcting her. So, Mattie was now arching her eyebrows at her daughter and Karen hated whenever her mother would start to get her together because she knew she was gonna get scolded.

"Yeah you've gotten a little bit better with them over the last two weeks but you can't take all that anger that you had for them and give it to Dorinda because she was trying to help." Mattie said taking up for Dorinda and Dorinda was just in the back noddin' her head.

"Now take this song." Mattie said as she started playing it on the organ while reciting the lyrics to her.

Mattie starts singing:

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