Falling apart

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Notes: The parents discuss what Karen and Drew was like growing up as kids.

Side note: This is a very long chapter.

Now it was finally time to go to their therapy session and Drew still wasn't home so he could get her or the kids.

"This man." Karen said calling his cell phone because he was supposed to have been on his way but he never called her to let know.

"Mama is he comin'?!" Faith asked her mama and Karen had hollered out "no we taking the driver." Karen said putting on her coat after making sure that her babies was all ready to go to Gia's house.

"Okayyy!" Faith yelled from upstairs because she was getting ready to go too.

"I can't believe he would do that he knows I can't drive." Karen said grabbing her babies to put them in the center of the living room.

He haven't been teaching her how to drive either in a while mainly a little after the twins was born he had stopped.

"Mama I can drive us." Nikki said coming out of her room since she had her drivers license already and Karen had never rode with her daughter before and Karen had looked at her and her triplets and back at Nikki again.

"Chileee I ain't never ride with you before." Karen said. "Mama I have never gotten a ticket before I can drive." Nikki said smiling at her mother. "Maybe some other time baby you can just take yourself a break from doing all that driving." Karen said knowing that Nikki barely drove.

"Okay but I'm just saying if you ever need a driver that's me I got you." Nikki said smiling at her mama not feeling offended at all.

Once everybody was finally ready to go the driver had pulled up with the black van to take everyone to where they needed to go and then finally they got to the clinic to where they would always have their therapy sessions and her girls had got in the building first with Nikki signing all of them in and Karen had took her time walking seeing the rest of her family members there already.

"I thought Drew was gonna be with y'all?!" Dorinda said arching her eyebrow and everybody had noticed that Karen was a little off because she was slightly sucking her lips and lookin around when Dorinda had asked that question and she just shrugged to answer her.

"He probably just got caught up with work or sumthin I don't know." Karen said in her raspy voice and everybody knew that Karen was tired't and Jacky just shook her head thinking about her brother-in-law and Karen told them that they just took the driver.

Once everybody had got caught up with each other they were called to the back and was getting into their seats and as soon as Karen had sat down and leaned back in her chair rubbing her temples because of Drew he appeared opening up the door after knocking on it since the receptionist told him that they was just called to the back.

And, so Drew just took his seat next to his wife on the left side of her and Karen ain't know if she wanted to kiss him or hit him so she just looked the other way and everyone knew that their was tension between the couple but Drew was acting all nonchalant about it like nothing had happened the night before while clearly something was wrong because Karen's face showed it and she just couldn't help that.

When it was ten minutes into the session and everyone was participating all except for Drew, Dr.Womack had noticed because she was watching how Karen would have to fight tooth and nail to try to get Drew to at least answer to something because before it was Karen not wanting to participate because of her programming and her being afraid to do so.

But now it's Drew's not participating because he was being a butt towards his wife like Karen had done something wrong to him and Dr.Womack had noticed that.

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