Back to normal?

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Notes: Karen's depression comes back after Faith and Ace have been gone for a week. While Faith is having trouble raising her son on her own.

It was the next week and Karen had been trying to get a hold of herself while Faith and Ace was gone. It was as if her depression had taken over as she had sat at the edge of her bed on the side with her hand rubbing her temples since she had a migraine.

This was something that she was trying to prevent from happening but sometimes her depression was just stronger. So whenever that happened she just stayed in bed in her room because she really couldn't bare to get up to do anything else for today after she had went to the bathroom to clean herself up. So instead of walking out of her room to go get something to eat since she was feeling a hungry she had decided to go against it laying back down in her bed and getting underneath the covers after she had turned the lights back off.

She just couldn't do it today as she had difficulty dealing with it yesterday nearly missing the whole day with her babies and Drew just had to lie to his kids and say that she was feeling a little sick. But that was furthest from the truth because the truth was Drew couldn't even get his wife out of the bed and throughout the night she would cry herself to sleep in the dark.

And then he would have to make her eat because she would have a lost of appetite.

This was bad for the baby because the baby needed to eat and he didn't want Karen to lose it neither of them did but Karen's depression wouldn't allow her to think about anything else at the moment.

"Baby you have to get up." Drew said seeing that Karen was trying to will herself back to sleep after she had woke up to get ready for today but had decided against it.

But she ain't say nuthin' to him she just turned over in bed pulling the covers over her head.

"Okay." Drew said getting up from the bed to go call someone then he had just left her alone for that time being.

It was a little after 1pm when Karen was still in the bed finally asleep. But then coming into her room was her mama who had closed the door behind her so she could have a private conversation with her.

"Karen?!" Mattie said lightly hollering at her with both hands on her hips hating to see her baby like this. "Karen mama gonna need you to get on up you got another mouth to feed." Mattie told her. "And Drew told me that you have not been eating for these last couple of days what are you trying to do because that ain't doing nobody no good." Mattie said shaking her head at her baby.

"Come on, now." Mattie said laying one her left hand on Karen's leg and shaking her awake knowing her daughter could be a hard sleeper.

But she also knew that if she spoke loud enough that Karen could hear her through her dreams.

"Wake up!" Mattie said shaking her awake.

"You've been asleep for half of today that ain't good for you." Mattie told her not playing with her. So Karen just groaned waking up and aggressively flipping the covers off of her.

"Mama I can't do it." Karen said as if she was gonna break down in tears again putting her hand on her face to cover them.

"Yes you can baby." Mattie said seeing that Karen did in fact wake up to at least get herself dressed this morning. So she didn't have to make her go shower again.

"Ohh come here." Mattie said deciding to be soft with her baby getting in the bed next to Karen on the left side where Drew sleeps at.

"Just let it out." Mattie said letting her baby cry in her arms knowing that she needed to release the stress that was bothering her.

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