The Truth P2

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Notes: The family goes to therapy together only to find out some shocking news.

It was now 3 months later and Faith was finally off of punishment and things were back to normal for her. But both Melody and Harmony were officially going to public school since, Drew was able to provide enough proof and evidence that the girls were both his and Karen's after taking the DNA test and providing proof that he had been caring for his twin girls every since, Toya had basically abandoned, Melody while Harmony had found her way home after seeing Melody in the mall with their older sisters. The court process to get their case unsealed was a tedious one but it wasn't so difficult like how they thought it was gonna be especially since they didn't have to fight Toya for them considering the fact that she had yet to re-appear into their lives which Karen was glad about because she still wasn't sure about what she was gonna do to her if she had seen her again especially after Melody had revealed to her about what happened 3 months ago.

She still had yet to tell her father about that night even though the only other person who knew was Melody. But what they did do for her was take her to the hospital to get her checked and some very traumatic things were found out and let's just say that Drew, Karen and the twins were keeping it underwraps because no one else really needed to know especially since Melody was still trying to work through everything after being somewhat in denial about what happened.

But that had only made her cling closer to her mother which caused Karen to become a bit more overprotective about Melody but she didn't go overboard like her mother kind of did.

But Melody didn't mind because she had liked being attached to her mother who was actually nicer than what she had imagined or thought the first time she had been there. Because to Melody she was thinking that she was gonna have to work for Karen's love like how she had to work for Toya's but that wasn't the case at all. Karen was nothing like Toya she just had some walls built up from the pas that she had needed to let down.

Now here they were all in therapy together as a family discussing what had occurred over the last few months since they had recently started their own private family sessions to navigate through their own family units instead of always being in Karen's and Drew's business.

"Have any other changes been made since the case?" Dr.Womack had asked Drew and Karen and so, Drew had looked at his wife and Karen had tilted her head signaling for him to speak.

"Well no other changes have really been made since it wasn't that complicated to go through since we had everything together in a timely manner." Drew said. "But we are looking for a case manager for Melody as well as a speech therapist to help her with her." Drew said.

"Why she needs one?" Denise asked them and Melody's eyes just widened knowing that this was about to be embarrassing. But she honestly didn't care if her parents had told them because it was gonna come out sooner or later.

"Well, Denise if y'all haven't noticed already Melody stutters sometimes." Karen said. "And how did that happen because when we first met her there wasn't no stuttering in sight." She said kinda catching an attitude as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Now there's no need for that." Dr.Womack said telling Denise to get her attitude in check.

"Sometimes a speech impairment don't always come up right away or other times it can be triggered by something if a person have worked hard to try to improve it." Dr.Womack told them.

"Or other times they could just be born with one." She said.

But then, Denise had looked at Melody eyeing her while quickly taking off and putting back on her glasses again. "There don't seem to be nuthin' wrong with her maybe she's just doin' that for attention." Denise said not believing her and Melody felt a lump grow in her throat when her aunt had said that.

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