What's the plan?

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Notes: Karen and Drew talks things over as to what their next steps where going to be as parents and grandparents.

It was the next day and Karen and Drew had been brainstorming about how they were going to handle Faith since she had become a bit reckless while even being in New York.

Karen already knew from the Holy Spirit that Faith was up to no good but things were even more confirmed when Karen had finally called, Gia to let her know what was going on after Karen had wanted answers as to why Faith was trying to avoid her so much.

Basically the conversation went along the lines of Faith not having a lot of self-disciple or self-control. But not only that she was in that teenage stage of her life where she felt as if she could be sexually liberated without the consequences. It was almost as if she didn't learn anything from making Ace even though Ace was still made out of love and she had deep feelings for De'Andre before it was just that things had changed in a short amount of time and then Faith was signed and so it was like their relationship had grew apart and Faith was no longer liking his innocent yet bad boy personality type. If anything Faith was falling into the hands of a more dangerous type of bad boy which was why she knew who the hit men were and where she could get her drugs and alcohol from without having to give her age or use an ID. 

Now that Karen had knew basically everything about her daughter's past life before moving in with her she knew how to proceed with Faith.

It was almost as if Faith was still raised in the house with her and Big J by the looks of it. But she clearly wasn't because Karen would've had better control over her daughter and they never would've been separated in the first place.

"I thought him taking her out of there would've been better for a minute." Karen said to herself after she had gotten off the phone with Gia.

"Well baby you can't beat yourself up for that you know how rough the foster care system can be on kids." Drew said still trying to defend Faith a little bit but also trying not to let Karen get all worked up again after Gia had spoke to her because she was still pregnant with their 10th baby and Karen didn't need to be upset about anything else because it was already too much that was going on.

"I know I couldn't control that Drew but Faith is out here ruining her lifeee." Karen said as if she was in distressed as she had turned around to look at him.

"I have to go through her friends to find out what she's even doing on the side." Karen said. "I never would've thought I would be in this position once I came back home." Karen told him.

"I always thought I would be more open enough or different enough when it came to raising my own kids but apparently I'm not since some of them still feel the need to hide things from me or avoid me. It makes me feel like I was worse than my mother. Shoot I didn't even have friends to go with I wish I did." Karen said sitting at the edge of there bed.

When Karen had said that it was almost as if Drew had felt a sense of guilt for leaving her the way he did when they were in school together. He knew he had let the popularity get to his head and he was too far gone to even care by the time they were both Sophomores in high school.

He'll never forget the day he started to hear rumors about Karen being pregnant and how she was supposed to have come back home for a visit after being taken by her father to go live in New York.

Flash back:

It was like he had lost himself and couldn't find himself until he had learned the whole truth of how it all had happened when he was a young adult who was out of college.

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