Do I have to?

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Notes: Karen spends the day with Drew and his twins.

It was the next day after Harmony had came to there house and Karen was sitting at the table as if she was staring off into space after Drew had to wake her up because she wasn't getting up on her own.

"Karen." Drew said looking at his wife who was staring off into a daze while holding her coffee mug that he handed her filled with orange juice.

"You okay?" Drew asked her and Karen just looked down at her cup not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't know." She lightly stuttered. "It feels like I was in a bad dream last night." Karen said and Drew just shook his head again knowing what his wife was referring to.

"Well I don't think that was a dream." He said being slightly sarcastic as both Melody and Harmony had came down the stairs at the same time and Harmony had greeted everyone and clearly they knew that the girls had two different personalities even though some things were similar with them.

"Good morning everyone." Harmony said smiling bright and early and all dressed and Drew had looked at his daughter seeing that she didn't have to tell her to get dressed. But he wasn't gonna do that anyways for Harmony because one he knew that she didn't really have any clothes to wear and that was probably a touchy topic and two he figured that Melody would give her a rundown of the house rules before he could do it since she had came to there house all late.

"Morning." They all said back except for Karen who kept staring at her and it had looked liked Karen had bags underneath both of her eyes because she didn't sleep well last night.

"Hi." Karen said just going back to sipping her orange juice.

And, Harmony made a face at her and Melody tried not to smirk.

"Why is she like that?!" Harmony said not even seeing it her ownself as a matter of fact none of her kids really seen it. But it was like Karen was seeing something but she didn't know what it was and she didn't like it.

"Come on just sit by me." Melody said having a seat for her sister and Ace was just about to get on his grandma's lap but here goes J.Drew whining away in his high chair after getting fed his breakfast by his mama. "Does someone wanna get out?" Drew said to his son getting him out of his high chair and letting him stand on the floor and almost immediately, J.Drew did his wobbly run right to his mama on her other side of her knee.

"Ooooh no now look at that." Karen said quickly putting her orange juice on the table moving it away from him knowing that he was probably gonna try to get it from her once she had helped him up on her lap.

"Okay." Karen said tending to her baby picking him up while Ace had got in his place but then both Ace and J.Drew was now staring at each other.

"MA MA!" J.Drew said just calling his mama for no reason. "What you want J, I'm right here?!" She said and J.Drew had looked back at his mama wantin' to get down and then he walked over to his daddy just to mess with him.

"Okay little boy you goin' back in yo high chair." Drew said looking at his son ballin' up his fist.

"Da." J.Drew said with his eyes staring straight into his daddy's soul.

"Yes?" Drew asked him only for J.Drew to wack him for no reason and he just took off runnin' for the stairs.

"Drew get him!" Karen said tryin' not to laugh and so, Drew was havin' to run after his son early in the morning all around the house.

"This baby fast." Drew said gettin' out of breath. "Nikki help me." He said knowing Nikki could run like a track star and she just started laugin'. "Okayyyy." She said as she was finished eating her breakfast and so as soon as she got up J.Drew had seen his sister and was runnin' towards her at first but by how her arms were slightly positioned to catch him he ducked her since she was coming after him and criss-crossed his daddy.

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