Helping out

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Notes: The girls spend the morning helping their mother with the babies.

Sidenote: I see y'all was just goin' in on Drew yesterday. But don't worry y'all cause he gonna get his. lmbooo

When the next day came Karen had laid in bed for a few extra minutes before she had normally got up and realized that Drew had left the house without even saying anything to her or kissing her goodbye for the day.

So getting up she rolled her eyes and took the covers off of her getting herself ready so she could go ahead and make breakfast for herself knowing that Drew ain't did a got dawg on thing.

"I should've just let my stupid ass stay with Jacky." Karen said to herself as she was walking down the steps into the kitchen to get everything ready because she already heard Nikki being up working on her online classes and so she knows that N'ylani had already ate because usually she eats when her mama eats as well as Ace.

Karen knew she wasn't thinking clearly when she had yes to Drew in that quick moment but it was like she couldn't help herself because she really couldn't and two she thought he would be different from the rest and that he was going to protect her like he said he would and he was for a while until he started getting beside himself.

Now Karen didn't know what to do she wanted to fight for her marriage but if Drew was gonna do her like this then she didn't want to keep this going because she was tired't of being used up like she was some type of personal slut for him and the only thing that was making that part of it okay was their marriage.

So, Karen took a long moment to think about what she really wanted to do with the rest of her life and she just wasn't sure. All she knew was that when they go into therapy today Drew was gonna have to listen to her whether he wanted to or not because she couldn't keep dealing with this stress and Karen wasn't even sure if Drew was doing the exercises that Dr.Womack was telling him to do because he haven't been changing that much as far as she could tell.

But she at least knew she have been changing because the progress was there not only when she would go into therapy but outside of therapy as well and if anything she could've left his butt last night for how he did her but that would've proved that she wasn't changing at all.

Because there was so many times that she thought about just leaving him not running completely but just leaving him and only showing up on Sunday's to be the First Lady of the church because Karen didn't want to be with another man who was acting like he was apart of her past because her future was supposed to be different.

Of course she knew that all marriages was going to go through it and have their rough patches to go through but she didn't know that she would be the only person fighting for it.

And, Drew wasn't even supposed to ignore her anymore like he had told his parents and her mama. Of course he didn't promise that to her but still he said he would try and he's not even trying.

By the time breakfast was ready Karen had wiped her face from silently crying over a hot stove making herself something to eat and her triplets and the twins had woke up crying so it was like five alarms going off at the same time. Luckily since, Nikki's first class was already done by 9:30am she had went to go check on the triplets knowing that Ki and J.Drew would calm their own selves down because sometimes that would just be their  morning call to let everyone know that they was awake and nothing more.

When Nikki went to go pick up, Kimberly, Kim did not look pleased to see her big sister because she was expecting to see her mama.

"Don't look at me like that." Nikki said seeing that Kimberly looked liked Karen's twin more than Ki and she did her ownself.

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