Do I have to P3?

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Notes: Karen goes to the mall with the girls.

After Karen had left her sisters house she had left everything go through one ear and fall out the other one. She really didn't come over to her sisters house to have her family tell her what the obvious could be because she was still so sure that there was no way in possible that her baby could've survived when she was so sure that the illegal abortion had worked.

But she did have to think back that she was knocked out during the botched abortion. So she really didn't know. Either way she was sure of the fact that these two girls weren't hers even with her completely ignoring what her mother said.

At least two people in her family wore glasses in that house which was one of her big sisters Twinkie and her mother and she wasn't sure if she could really trust their eye sight.

But who she was foolin' she knew that whenever they had their glasses on it was a big help to them. But what made Karen irritated was the fact that her mother had took off her glasses just to look at the twins before they left and had put them back on nodding her head again like she was correct about them looking alike.

And whenever her mother did that Karen knew that her mother was doing a double take and her double takes were usually confirmation of whatever the situation was but Karen was the only person struggling to believe it when the rest of her family could possibly see it even if she didn't trust their judgement. But her own family with her, Drew and the kids was like they never took a moment to stop too see if Harmony or Melody had looked liked them or so she thought.

If they did they just didn't bring it to her attention like her siblings and mother had done to her today.

Now when they finally arrived at the mall all three of them had stared at each other when they were standing behind the directory as if they were waiting on Karen to tell them what to do.

"Well y'all are here." Karen said with her arms folded shrugging them.

"We don't have any money." Melody said and Karen just rolled her eyes handing Harmony, Drew's card instead of her credit card because Karen was hellbent on not spending anything for them with her money.

"Hmm." Karen said handing them there father's card.

"We can't pay for that." Harmony said. "You're trying to get us in trouble we're not even 16 yet." Harmony said and Karen just looked away from them. "Well just go to where y'all wanna go too." Karen told them letting them know that she'll be right behind them but she was gonna sit herself down whenever they would be shopping for clothes.

"I'm telling daddd." Harmony said as if she was a snitch and Karen just shook her head because that reminded her of an older version of Ace whenever he wanna snitch on his mama and auntie.

"Just find a store." Karen said letting the two run to where ever as she slowly followed behind them in the mall seeing what store they had went into.

And of course it was a teens store with all the trendy clothes for the season and by the time Karen had got in she had already seen the girls looking into the clothing racks.

"Can we get anything we want?" Harmony asked her knowing that when she was with Toya that woman was so cheap with her money that they could only get $5-$20 worth of clothing and it would be the ones that wouldn't even last them for a month.

"I don't care it's not my money." Karen said shrugging her shoulders and so both Melody and Harmony had looked at each other and was gonna do what Karen said to do.

They never had the chance to get fit in with the rest of there school when they was going which always caused problems. And when they did fit in it was only because they knew how to work with what they had to make the clothes look cute. So now here they were looking at the name brand clothes with Harmony's eyes lighting up.

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