How is she?

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Notes: Karen gets a call about Faith's whereabouts as she tries to manage her depression.

After Faith had gotten off the phone with Dr.Womack that left Dr.Womack in a sticky position especially since Faith was her patient and had called her personal phone number. Because even though Dr.Womack had gave certain people her phone number it was only for urgency calls or for advice needs only. But other times which was quite a few it was just to call and catch up.

But since Faith was like an honorary niece to her and she had trouble opening up to her family she was actually really worried about Faith. Even though she sounded as if she was okay on the phone Dr.Womack was trying to analyze the situation at hand because Karen had yet to tell her why Faith had exactly left.

But if she had to guess it was probably because of Faith and her dalliances that she had been having which she did tell Dr.Womack about but not how she was going about it.

"Hell if something happens to her or Ace it'd be on me." Dr.Womack said after she had leaned back in her seat and took the time to think about if something were to happen to Faith or Ace and she knew where they was at but she didn't tell the family, Karen could easily go off.

It wasn't that Dr.Womack was afraid of Karen she was far from that because she knew that her and Karen could go neck-to-neck if need be.

But one of the reasons why she felt strongly about them was that she really did care for the family and two she knew it would never get to that point. And three if someone knew the whereabouts of her kids she would want to know especially if they had left on bad terms and also she wasn't about to lose her job because of Faith's carelessness.

So here she was calling Karen to let her know what had just happened.

"That chileee." Dr.Womack said shaking her head talking about Faith.

So, when Karen had heard her cell phone ringing she had answered it seeing that Dr.Womack had called from her personal cell phone and immediately her heart had dropped thinking that she had some terrible news about Faith.

"Hello?!" Karen said trying not to sound as if she was panicking.

"Hi, Karen I was just calling to let you know that Faith called me letting me know that she was alright. Well both her and Ace is alright." Dr.Womack told her.

"Ooh she is?!" Karen said finally taking a breath that she didn't realize she had been holding before when she had answered the phone.

"Yesss she is very fine." Dr.Womack said being a little bit sarcastic but that was only because Faith was playing on her phone at first but she didn't mean any harm by being sarcastic.

"But I am a little bit concerned about her. She only called just because she said she was bored but she did seem a little bit hesitant over the phone when I asked her if there was anything else going on with her." Dr.Womack told her letting her know just about everything.

"Ohh okay." Karen said feeling a bit relieved but also feeling a little bit jealous that Faith didn't have the confidence to call her mama. But she didn't take that out on Dr.Womack because she knew that Dr.Womack was doing her job so she kept it cute not wanting to go off on the poor woman since Faith had put her in that position.

But Karen did have to admit that she was glad that her daughter at least had some common sense to call somebody that was close to them that would immediately let her know that she was alright.

"Sooo do you think I should go check on her?" Karen had nervously asked, Dr.Womack.

"I think she wouldn't mind that but she might try to act as if she doesn't care you know how Faith is." Dr.Womack said and Karen nodded her head because if she were to go to New York to go see her then Faith was gonna act stubborn with her when really she was feeling a certain way about being by herself in New York having to care for Ace all alone.

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