Its time

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Notes: The family let's Karen go.

Sidenote: Y'all was laying Drew out yesterday. I don't see not one person in the comments defending that man. Y'all really said y'all tired't of his mess huh?!! I'm cryin' lmbooo. 😭😭😭

Once the couple had gotten home from eating out with their family it was time for them to really decide who was gonna go especially since Dr.Womack had mentioned earlier on that Karen should probably just take her a mini vacation to get her mind clear before she comes back to the kids because she was so tense around Drew earlier on after they had talked everything out.

"I'll go pack my bags." Karen said walking away from Drew and going into her closet and Drew couldn't bare to see his wife leave him for the second time. But it wasn't like she was leaving him for good it was just that they needed to fix them and Karen needed this time because Dr.Womack also had mentioned to them that Karen had needed to relax herself without the kids being there for a while so she could just focus on herself.

So here Drew was sitting on the edge of his bed worried about what the hell he was gonna do with all these kids knowing that he don't even know how to feed them and Karen was still breastfeeding her babies.

But luckily, Karen thought about this ahead of time and had pumped her breasts milk and so she had enough for at least 2 months and had put them in the freezer so the milk won't go bad.

Even though it was breast milk it could still spoil but it wasn't going to spoil as quick as store brought milk was or formula milk.

When Karen was finally done packing her bags she had more than bag with her which let Drew know that this was really happening and they were serious about separating unlike the last time where Karen only packed one bag.

"You're packing 3 bags?" Drew asked him trying to hide the crack in his voice and Drew got nervous.

"I just needed to make sure I have everything while I was away." Karen told him.

"We didn't even discuss where you would be staying?" Drew told his wife pulling her closer to him in a hug type form not wanting her to go and Karen almost caved in but she knew that they needed to do this.

"I'm a go to New York." Karen said.

"Dorinda put enough money in my account so I could at least get a resort condo and not have to stay in a hotel or a motel the whole entire time." Karen said.

"And I might even go check up on some people while I'm there too." Karen said referring back to her father.

"Be careful when you do go okay." Drew told her knowing that Karen was wondering about him because she had needed some closure.

"I will. And I promise I won't let him get to me while I'm there either." Karen said kissing her husband back on the lips after he had kissed her.

Then they was just kissing in the middle of their bedroom floor like they weren't gonna see each other again.

When Drew was kissing Karen like they couldn't breathe no more that's when they knew they had to break the kiss because then she would really never leave this house and she would be back on again him naked like all outdoors doing their usual. But they couldn't do that they had to go back to cuttin it out because now they was just using sex as a scapegoat as Dr.Womack had pointed out as well as Mama Sheard.

"Okay." Karen said being the one to break the kiss as she had to pry her lips away from Drew's because now his hands were on her ass cheeks squeezing them throughout their mini makeout session and Karen was feeling his dick gettin hard. But this time he was gonna have to take care of that problem his ownself.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now