Be have yourself

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Notes: Melody meets the aunties while still being disrespectful.

After that night was over and morning came, Drew had awoke at 5am to find his wife not in bed next to him as he had reached out on his side feeling for her.

"Karen?" Drew called out for his wife not feeling her so when he woke up he walked around their room trying to figure out where his wife had gone off too. Then he had checked in the nursery to see if she was breast feeding the triplets or changing their kids but she wasn't because sometimes she would have to wake up early in the morning to check them and to feed them.

After that was over he had seen that Melody's room light was on and was wondering why she was up so early so he had knocked on the door quietly. But when she didn't answer he had seen Karen holding Melody in her sleep with the lights on while Karen was kinda leaning back in an upright position holding Melody sideways with the cover on them and he seen where Melody was sucking her thumb while sleeping on Karen's lap as if she was a baby and he just had to smile at that moment walking quietly back to his room to get a camera and take a pic.

But after he had done that he had started to turn off the lights stepping further into the room waking Karen up.

"Don't you touch them lights." She told him with her eyes still closed opening them up scaring the daylights out of Drew making him jump back.

"Keep them on." Karen said and Drew just looked at her not understanding why but he seen the look on his wife's face and just decided to listen too her.

"Where you in here the whole night?" He asked her not knowing if she had gone back into their room at some point in time.

"Mmhm." She said nodding her head with her arms still wrapped around Melody.

"You know you could come back to bed." Drew told her but Karen had shook her head no.

"This girl won't let me get up." Karen told him.

"You see how she's laying on me." Karen said as she was providing her comfort something that Melody probably didn't have a lot of when she was living with her mother.

"Every time I try to move she scoots me right back to her and whines a little." Karen said not trying to move again until Melody move her ownself up off of her.

"Ohh okay." Drew said. "Well then, I'll just let y'all two stay in here." He said closing the door back behind him not needing any more information.

Then with that being said Karen thought to herself that she might as well make herself comfortable in this bed since Melody wasn't trying to let her go at all.

So when Karen started moving Melody started whining again just like what she had told Drew.

"Shhh. I'm still here." Karen said in a whispered voice getting Melody to calm back down because throughout the night she too would cry on and off in her sleep and Karen knew all to well what that felt like.

So Karen just snuggled up with her while Melody put her head on Karen's shoulder while they were both laying down in the bed in a more comfortable manner to sleep in so their backs wouldn't be hurting especially Karen's.

When it was later on during the day, Melody had woke up first realizing that Karen really had stayed in her room with her while she was having that panic attack and she felt extremely embarrassed and vulnerable and had pulled the covers over her acting as if she was asleep so she wouldn't have to see Karen wake up because she didn't know how to feel about this because no one have ever done that to her before even her own mother would brush her aside and tell her that she's too old to be afraid of the dark but she really couldn't help it.

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