Fix it, Jesus

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Notes: Karen and Drew continues to have marital problems while their marital problems starts affecting Karen both physically and mentally.

Sidenote: Y'all be nice to Mr.Baldy okayyy. This is all happening for a reason. It's a slow build up.🌚

It was a week later after Karen and Drew had talked to their parents about their marriage and they could feel the tension whenever they would be in the room with each other.

Even the kids was starting to pick up on it and Ace would literally always follow Karen everywhere she goes not letting Drew get to close too her because he had started calling him, "meannn" every time he would go to raise his voice at Karen forgetting that the kids were in the room or if they were frustrated with her.

While Nikki and Faith watched on not knowing if they should just team up and take Drew down because they were both thinking to themselves did this man learn nothing from the one week where his wife had left him?

So, dinner was silent after Karen had ate and went upstairs to go feed the triplets in their nursery room instead of bringing them down here while Drew had to feed Ki and J.Drew by himself.

"Here your bottle go, J." Drew said holding his sons bottle for him putting it up to his mouth so he can drink from it. But when J.Drew went to go start drinking from it he pushed the bottle away spitting the milk out and Faith and Nikki just shook their head while Drew had looked at the bottle making sure that it was breast milk and it was.

"This yo mama's breast milk." Drew said trying to get his son to Drew putting it up to his mouth acting as if he was gonna drink it and J.Drew was just trying to talk too him making baby noises.

"Ahhh ahhh." He cooed out loud while kicking his feet as Drew had to clean up his chin after spitting the milk out. "I don't know why you don't want this milk cause you not gonna drink the other one and I'm not falling for that trap again so you can throw it at my head." Drew said and J.Drew just gave his daddy a quick smile showing his toothless grin.

"You gotta warm it up for him." Nikki said while she was finishing up eating her food seeing J.Drew getting agitated with his daddy again.

"Oh." Drew said thanking her while he went to go put the milk in the microwave. But then he turned to go look at Nikki.

"What number?" He asked not knowing what to press and Faith almost accidentally spit out her food while laughing at him.

"I'm sorry." Faith said because Drew had looked at Faith like he was embarrassed.

"No more than 30 seconds because after that it'll be too hot even for a minute that's like burning them." Nikki said and Faith just nodded her head for confirmation.

So, Drew did as told meanwhile Karen was upstairs in the rocking chair breast feeding her babies and she was having a hard time feeding them because her milk would not come out because of the stress she was under and her breasts felt too heavy to the point where it was overwhelming her and she would cry on and off during their feeding wiping her tears away with her free hand.

Back downstairs, Drew had finally gotten done with heating up J.Drew's milk and testing it like the girls told him to do. When he felt that it was safe for J.Drew to drink he had held his bottle for him making Drew hold it even though he knew how to do it himself.

So he was basically forcing Drew to feed him.

"I know you can hold this bottle." Drew said because his hand was cramping up. But J.Drew just slick rolled his eyes at his daddy while he kept on sucking the milk.

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