Nana to the rescue

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Notes:  Ace goes back home only to call his nana again.

It was later on during the evening when Faith had finally called to let De'Andre know that he could drop off Faith. If anything from that night Faith felt like she was set and good to go if she ever had to make her way back home or if her mother had to drag her back home because if anything her sneaky link had put it down on her and she wasn't caring about any of the consequences that could unfold in her life.

Now here she was straightening up her penthouse to make it neater for her son to come back home. But not only that she was in a better mood as well which was kinda terrible because she often times would find herself needing sex to be in a better mood and that was beginning to be a problem again which was how she had created Ace in a way.

So now here she was just waiting for her baby daddy to drop her son off son they could now spend some time together in peace. But that was only if Ace wasn't having an attitude with her.

Because every since he came to New York he'd been giving her hell and he almost gave his daddy hell for what his mama did.

But the only thing he did was cry his eyes out after seeing a poster of his grandmother at the mall and that was that especially since De'Andre had bought him a tablet to play with to keep him pre-ocupied while Faith was busy doing whatever she had to do or wanted to do.

"You ready to go see your mama little man?" De'Andre asked his son picking him up.

"No." Ace in his little voice still mad with his mama.

"Awee son don't be mad at her." De'Andre said trying to make his son smile but Ace wasn't smiling.

"Nana." He simply said poking out his bottom lip which made him look even cuter but he also got that face from his grandma whenever Karen would poke out her lip whenever she would be with Drew.

"I'll have to ask your mama about taking you to your nana house." De'Andre said not knowing if he was even supposed to tell Faith about it but he wasn't about to get in trouble with Ms.Karen again since he thought that he was on her bad side already.

"But nana said to bring me." Ace told him trying to recite what Karen had told De'Andre while he was holding his tablet as if he was ready to call his nana.

"I know son son but mommy gotta have a say in it or else daddy might be in the hospital." De'Andre said not wanting to get in between them but Faith already done put him in the middle.

So now here he was 20 minutes later dropping off his son at Faith's house and when they had arrived to her front door Faith had opened it bending down to reach her son but Ace snatched his arms away from her as if he was holding himself along with holding his tablet in his hands tightly not letting it drop and forging her kiss which usually only happened whenever he was still mad with her.

"Danggg he still at me?!" Faith said a bit out loud when Ace just walked right pass her into the house sitting down on the couch.

"Mmhm. But I mean he was good for me though." De'Andre said shrugging his shoulders and Faith just shook her head from side-to-side not believing that her son had that much pettiness as a 2-year old.

"Ace mommy's sorry." Faith said trying to make her son feel better but he wasn't feeling it as he furrowed his eyebrows while slowly looking up at her as he was on his tablet.

Then, Faith noticed that he had started singing a number while his little feet was swinging off the couch since he was so short and Faith was just watching her son listening to that familiar number that he was singing not knowing that he was calling his nana on his tablet right in front of her not having a care in the world. But then it hit her that he was calling her mother.

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