Fight for whats right

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Notes: Melody and Harmony gets into a fight at church because some girl was runnin her mouth about Karen.

After church was over the family had gone back home and Drew had immediately went upstairs to his room to go see about his wife since Twinkie had told him what happened during the alter call while asking for prayer for Karen. When he had made it upstairs to their room he had opened up the door only to see his wife sleeping in bed laid out across it as if she couldn't get to sleep. But Drew had knew that Karen was in a deep sleep by now so he didn't want to wake her.

If anything he just wanted to make her feel better while she slept so he had got himself ready for bed after putting the babies to sleep and had slipped into bed hugging his wife who was burning up in her sleep.

"Good God Almighty." Drew said feeling how hot and over heated, Karen was right now.

But he had continued to try to make his wife feel a little bit more better while she had slept as she had stirred in her sleep not even blinking her eyelids awake because she knew she had really needed. But before her mother and oldest sister had left for church they had made sure that Karen took some medicine to help her with the headache that she was having after she had gotten into bed so it wouldn't turn into a migraine.

So that did help but the rest of her body was trying to play catch up but all throughout the night she was stirring while Drew had let her use him as a pillow considering the fact that he was still cool and was sleeping with his shirt off his chest had actually helped to cool Karen down a little bit.

But when it was two days later Karen still wasn't feeling too well and so Drew just suggested that Karen should go to the doctors to find out what was wrong and that's when Karen had finally decided to tell him her theory.

"Drew." Karen said after waking up all late right in the middle of the day when it was 3pm.

"I-I think I'm pregnant again." Karen said finally telling him and he had looked at her like he was surprised. "How long you been thinking that?" He asked her. And Karen just shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know like maybe a week or two." Karen said. "But I'm not sure if it's me being pregnant, nervous, or my flare up's." Karen said wiping her face because she was now sweating as if she was having hot flashes.

"Okay then that means we need to go to the doctor to see if we made baby number 10." Drew said being a little bit excited trying not to overdo it because they just had triplets a few months ago. The triplets wasn't even five months yet before they decided to make another baby.

"Drew this gotta be the last baby." Karen said not being able to carry anymore after this one.

"Well that's fine I got all the kids we wanted." He said and Karen had squinted her eyebrows at him when he had said, we. "Drew you the one who wanted five plus kids." Karen told him. "And my dreams came trueee." He said smiling at his wife while holding her hands. "Now come let's go get ready so we can take you to the clinic to see if I'm a daddy again." Drew said while smiling at her and Karen was just shaking her head at him.

Once Karen was ready to go to the doctors they had got into Drew's car driving her to the clinic so they could confirm her suspicions and thankfully walk-in appointments were being taken today since she didn't have to wait a few days for the test results or anything like that.

When Drew had signed her in Karen had took her seat waiting to be called. "Drew what we gonna do with ten kids?" Karen asked him. "Make some mo'." He joked. "Drew that's funny." Karen lightly said tryin' not to crack a smile at him. "But seriously what we gonna do that's gonna be a full house?" Karen said thinking about it. "I mean we got more than enough rooms." Drew said. "We got over 30 rooms in the house." Drew told her. "I mean it might look small downstairs but when you're looking upward it's not really small at all and it just gets bigger when you go to the other floors of the house." Drew told her.

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