And the results are...

173 18 12

Notes: The family goes to the clinic to make sure that Denise takes the tests without trying to fabricate it.

It was now Tuesday, afternoon and Karen had called everyone letting them know that she had wanted Denise to take the STD test today. So everyone had pulled up to the clinic with Karen already sitting down waiting for them to arrive while they had left the girls at home.

"Oh you showed up?" Karen sarcastically said looking at her older sister.

"Remember I didn't have a choice." Denise said basically mocking Karen when it came to what Greg had done to her. "Don't get placed in a hospital bed because we're right here at one." Karen warned her.

"Whatever let's just get this over with." Denise said ready to go since Karen had already made the appointment for her taking it upon herself to make sure that this was legit since her sister had wanted to lie to her all her life. It was as if the trust was now completely gone between the two but Karen just wasn't sure yet because this test was gonna determine that and if the trust was gone then if Denise had wanted a genuine sisterhood with Karen again she was gonna have to work for it.

"I can't believe y'all are actually lettin' the baby boss me around." Denise said upset that she even had to do the test.

"This is so degrading." She said.

"Well you should've thought about that before you had went out here and slept with Greg." Dorinda told her. "Didn't you sleep with him too?" Denise mocked her. "So now we both degrading." Denise said trying to compare the two.

"Nahh the difference between me and you sleeping with Greg is that I ain't give it up to him on no first date like you probably did and plus I only slept with him when I was married to him. But youuuu on the other hand wanted to be trifiling and slept with him out of wedlock hence how one of your sons were born. So, now we gotta find out which son is it that Greg fathered behind my back. That is if he even fathered him." Dorinda said.

"Firstttt of all little sister you betta act like you." Denise said as if she was the fighter of the family but Dorinda just ignored her remarks rolling her eyes at her.

"Secondly, I didn't sleep with Greg on the first date it was more like the 5th one but we had known each other well for a couple of months by the time I did decide to sleep with him." Denise told her as if that made it any better.

And, Mattie couldn't believe how dumb one of her oldest daughters was sounding.

"That still doesn't make it right you were out here willingly sinning." Mattie said, "knowing goodness well you supposed to live through the Holy Spirit." Mattie lectured her.

"This is so embarrassing. I'm grown I shouldn't have to be lectured by my mama about what my sex life was like before I had gotten married." Denise told her.

"Well then start acting like a mature adult and take responsibility from what you did." Mattie told her.

"And also going back to Greg." Denise said going back to him again.

"He did father his child up until a certain point because he had got with you and then with Karen." Denise said.

"Denise I know you not sayin' that's why you started being stink towards Karen?!" Dorinda asked her and Karen didn't care to be apart of that conversation anymore all she wanted was for the nurse to come back to call, Denise about the test results.

"It might've festered into a little bit of resentment." Denise said shrugging her shoulders in more of a sassy way.

"Well that's not Karen's fault that Greg started being a dead beat if anything you had the opportunity to come forward with the truth to mama about this years ago and you decided not to do it. If anything you could've came forward before Karen was even in that situation with Greg." Dorinda told him.

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