Theyre growing up

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Notes: Karen and Drew tried to relax after going to therapy. But Karen starts having flashbacks of her past when she was in since the girls are about to start going to public school.

It was later on that following day when Karen was back at home with her babies and she was just chilling in her room with Drew just having some quiet time to themselves since they barely had any of that so when they did they took it.

So now here Karen was just lazily laying on Drew's chest after having to be in therapy.

"What you thinkin' about?" Drew just lazily asked his wife since they were just relaxing.

"Nuthin'." Karen said at first since she had been dozing on and off on his chest using him as a pillow.

"It's just that well, Denise is supposed to be my sister." Karen told her lowkey having a fit about today and just about her childhood.

"How could she do me like that?" Karen asked him truly hurt by what her big sister had done.

"Well maybe she was just jealous of you way back then too." Drew said seeing that had to be the only reason.

"I don't know what for it's not like I had friends or anything like that." She said shaking her head slowly from side-to-side not understanding her big sister's motives.

"I feel like she just used me now. She better be glad I was to young to really remember anything." Karen said annoyed with how her sister had treated her when they were growing up.

"Well I just know that everything is gonna be okay." Drew told her as he was rubbing his wife's back.

"Yeah I guess so." Karen said as she started pouting again.

"Why you poutin' so much today?" He playfully asked her bending down to kiss her lips.

"Because." She lightly whined.

"My babies are goin' to school soonnn." She whined again not ready for them to go and Drew was trying not to crack a smile because Karen was quick with the tears when it came to her kids.

"Awee baby they'll be fine." Drew said being so sure of himself.

"I mean they've been doing well in the tutoring sessions and it seems like Melody's grades have really improved compared to when she was staying with Toya." He said seeing the tutor had figured out where the girls had left off when they had last went to school after getting their files unsealed and so they had just took off from there.

"I'm not worried about their grades Drew they get their brains from me." Karen said knowing that she was the smartest one out of all of her sisters and she still is. She just had to apply herself and be encouraged throughout the process. But her grades had only dropped due to the drastic and traumatic change of her environment.

"You worried about them fitting in?" Drew asked her and Karen just nodded her head yeah.

"Well they do have each other." Drew told her.

"Yeah well that's what my mama thought too and you see how that turned out." Karen said tilting her head slightly to the side.

"But who I'm more worried about is Melody." Karen told him.

"Not so much about her grades but because of her stutter." She told her.

"You know, Drew kids can be very cruel and Melody can only hide her stutter for so long before it starts coming out." Karen told him.

"So what do you want us to do send them to school with body guards?" Drew asked her being somewhat serious about it and Karen had looked at him knowing that he was serious.

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