She did what?!! P1

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Notes: Faith leaves for New York upsetting her mother in the process.

It was the next morning at 4:30am and Faith was getting herself ready to leave the house to go back to New York. She had slept it over and she thought that this was the best decision that she could do but she didn't know that she was operating out of anger and spite instead of leaving with a sound mind.

She knew she didn't have much time to leave so she quickly got Ace to get up letting him go back to sleep after she had got him out the bed to wash him up and to put on fresh clothes. Normally she could dress Ace much easier when he was asleep rather than when he was awake especially if it was too early for him to be getting up.

But after he was dressed she had quickly gathered their bags putting his bag on her arm and carrying her suitcase down the steps not wanting to roll it through the hallway for the fear that it might make too much noise.

So she quietly crept down the stairs with Ace in her arms and right when it had turned 5:00am she had reached the front door.

She didn't care to even turn off the cameras considering the fact that she wasn't gonna be here anymore anyways. So she didn't care if she was gonna get into trouble or not with her mother.

So what she did was turn around to where the camera was pointing and put her face right in the camera rolling her neck making sure her mother had seen her. "Byeeee!!!!" She said with so much attitude waving into the cameras at the same time.

Then once she did that she took herself on down the road in her house and opened up the gate since she knew the code to come in and to go out.

Now once she was down the street she had looked at her watch and it was about 5:30am and she knew that Drew would be waking up first to either get himself ready for work or to go fix breakfast for them. Her mother would just get up later than he would like sometime around 7:30am or 9:30am.

Faith was just glad that she had all her money and her credit cards with her in one place. So when she finally made it to the plaza she had walked inside of a gas station asking to use a phone with her disguise on to call someone to pick her up so she could go to the airport because she had wanted to be out of Detroit by 9:30am.

She didn't want to be no where in Detroit when her mother was awake because she knew that Karen would make her drag her butt all the way back home.

But she wanted to do this for herself she knew how to be independent and she wanted to prove to her mother that she wasn't that attached to her and she didn't need her as much as Karen think she did.

"I don't need her." Faith said again as she was waiting on her ride rushing them to hurry up because it was getting too late for her liking because she didn't want her parents coming down there looking for her if she was still there when Karen had woke up and realize that Faith had left the house and just Detroit in general.

Once her ride was finally there she got into the car and paid them as they drove her to the airport.

She got there renting a jet so she could get to New York quicker and she finally had a chance to put Ace down as she had buckled him up in the jet since he was still sleeping after only waking up a little bit throughout the walk. But he went right back to sleep not really realizing where he was at since he didn't have his eyes opened all the way and plus it was dark out and all he knew was that he was with his mama.

It was now 10:00am and Karen was just getting up after not getting a whole lot of rest seeing that the stress was getting to her and she was trying to keep her depression at bay sensing that it was creeping back up on her and she really didn't need that to happen right now especially since she was pregnant and she didn't want to experience being pregnant and having a flare up or an outbreak at the same time because she didn't know how she was gonna deal with it.

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