We need an intervention

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Notes: Drew takes things a little bit too far which causes Karen's feelings to be hurt.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of panic attack.

It was the next day and Drew had woken up early in the morning even though he was supposed to have took some time off from work to help her with the kids and so they could get to know him better he had decided to go back on his word just a little bit and to try to clear his head and go in for work that morning thinking that he would just take a half day off so he won't be staying there the full day.

And when Karen woke up reaching for her husband like she normally did after they would make-love together he wasn't there and Karen didn't know what to do immediately thinking that he was mad with her as she put her hands in the palm of her face hoping that he was still here.

So she just got herself ready as best as she could because she really wasn't in the mood for anything after last night which she knew was amazing. But waking up without her husband next to her was making her feel some type of way.

Once she finally got ready just throwing on some comfortable clothes which was a plain black t-shirt and sweats she walked downstairs surprised to still her husband but he was dressed for work and she bit her lip trying not to start an argument but she had wanted to ask him 'why was he even going when he said that he would cut back and take some days off?' Because it really haven't been that long for him to be taking off either if anything he only took off three days whereas he could've taken off more like a week or so just to spend some time with his family and to work on his marriage. But here he was dressed to go into the office today and Karen tried not to get upset about that as she tried to school her voice so it wouldn't sound like she was.

"Um you goin' in today?!" Karen asked him leaning on the chair and Drew just ignored his wife not feeling like answering her which was starting to make her feel like she was used.

"Uh, good morning Drew." Karen said trying to get his attention but he was focused on making the family breakfast.

But he didn't even care to acknowledge her like she did when she was mad with him.

"Really, Drew?!" Karen asked him trying not to be sensitive about this whole thing because she knew he probably thought that he was tired of her crying all the time about something.

"Drew I know you're not ignoring me." Karen shyly asked him. But Drew kept on doing what he was doing and Karen was trying her best to sniffle her emotions.

"So what was that then?" Karen asked him talking about last night.

"What you just wanted to fuck me and get rid of me like I was an actual slut?!" Karen asked him not knowing that Faith was about to come down the steps and when she did she had heard what her mother said and she ran back upstairs as quietly as she could because she didn't want to get into any of what they was about to start arguing about even though she was poking her head out of her room door telling Ace to hush by putting her finger over her mouth and he knew what that meant. But she also just let him go play with his toys so he wouldn't hear the conversation that was about to be at hand.

"But you were." Drew said to her cuttin' her deep and Karen kept blanking back her tears.

"Drew what did I do to you?!" Karen asked him trying to calm herself down.

"Karen I'm trying to make breakfast." Drew said not even looking at his wife.

"Drew it's only cereal, Faith can make that herself?!" Karen told him.

"And some toast and bacon." He said adding on more but he still wasn't looking at her basically giving her the cold shoulder.

"You really gonna do me like that like I'm that hoe you fucked and got pregnant?!" Karen rhetorically asked him trying not to get mad.

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