What just happened?

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Notes: Drew convinces Toya to let Melody stay at his house to see how it would work out.

"What is she doing here?" Toya asked her looking at Karen who was there with Drew after he had to calm his wife down from not taking the news so well last week. He ain't let her stay mad for long with how he had put her in her place after talking with her and giving her something to cry about which made her legs sore in return and that was one of the other times that they had, had rough sex and Karen couldn't help but to scream from the top of her lungs after Drew had reminded her about who he was and now she acting right.

"Toya that's my wife don't start she has every right to be here as a witness just like how I invited you into my home for only a little while don't overstep with my wife." He told her putting his foot down.

"I'm just sayin' I don't like the heffa. She's probably one of those fat whores who lost weight and started acting stuck up." Toya said eyeing Karen up and down while making a stink face at her when Karen was just minding her business until she whipped her head around getting ready to say something until Drew stopped Karen and Toya had licked her tongue out at her seeing that if she were to go after Karen first then Karen didn't have the chance of saying anything back to her.

"What she needs to do is humble herself." She said tilting her head over towards Karen trying to anatognize her.

"Toya you want Karen to respect you?" Drew asked her and Toya just looked at him and started laughing. "I don't care about that hoe." She giggled.

"I don't care about what she does all I know is people like her don't have no type of good in them." She said thinking that she was doing something.

"And you do?!" Drew said getting ready to tell Toya about herself.

"You not gonna keep treating my wife however way you want to and expect her to not go after you are you dumb?!" He asked her.

"Because you gotta be dumb." He told her.

"Now the only reason why I'm even talking to you is because of Melody. I could care less about you. I don't even want you." Drew said. "That night that I did..." He said pausing like he was about to ruin her whole life in about a couple of seconds. "I hate to say it. I hate to sound like a male whore again." Drew said gettin loud with her. "But I was just looking for a quick fuck that night to get my mind off of that woman over there who you seem to hate so much and you don't even know her." Drew said pointing towards his wife and now Toya was really pissed off.

"While I was fucking you I was thinking about her that woman that's sitting right over there. That's what was goin' in my mind when you asked me, "who you thinkin' about" because it sureee wasn't that dry ass pussy of yours you thought it was sweet huh?!" Drew said gettin to her level going lowerrr.

"That's what you were to me. You were nothing more than a quick fuck and now a baby mama who's going for all of the stereotypes." He said finna break that woman's self-esteem if she kept on running her mouth about his wife and now Toya was trying to find the words to clapback at him because her feelings were lowkey hurt with tears coming on but she sucked them up.

"Because I can go there too now if you keep puttin' your mouth on my wife I can get there." He told her.

"So whatever you got going on in that mind of yours put it to rest because I'm a stay with my wife." Drew told her.

"You gotta be realll slow to think that someone is gonna to continue to let you walk all over them." Drew told her. "What if it was Melody and somebody was bothering her the way that you're doing what would you want Melody to do?!" Drew questioned her.

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