What's wrong with her?

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter.

After Karen had came back home from the therapy session needless to say she was not in a good mood after finding out that she was diagnosed with ODD.

"Karen that doesn't mean that you're slow." Drew said not knowing that now everybody who finds out is gonna think that.

"Shut up, Drew it's not you who it's affecting." Karen hollered at him stomping herself up the stairs and Drew just shook his head locking the doors behind him and following his wife.

"Karen open this door!" Drew said because Karen had locked him out not letting him in because she couldn't stand to see him because now she just wanted to cry too herself in private.

"NO!" Karen said trying to hide her voice cracking from her tears and so, Faith came out her room hearing Drew trying to get into there room.

"I guess I'll help you." Faith dramatically said Drew had backed up with Faith picking the lock on the door turning the knob for him.

"Thank you." He said knowing that she had learned that from her auntie Dorinda and Faith had went back in her room because she wasn't trying to hear them argue again.

"What are you doing in here?!" Karen said baffled that he had even opened up the locked door.

"Don't worry about that but this is our room so I have a right to be in here just as much as you do." He said locking the door back because he knew he had to talk too his wife but Karen didn't want to talk too him.

"Karen come on having that doesn't mean you're slow. It doesn't really affect how you learn." Drew told her. "It might as well." Karen barked back at him walking away from him but he had stopped her from walking away and had held his arms towards pulling her closer to him.

"Come on look at me it's not that bad." Drew said because Karen didn't feel like doing anything after today.

"Drew you aren't me." Karen told him shaking his head.

"Most people who meet me already think I'm slow even my own sisters think I'm slow and Denise is the main one who be pointing it out. But now if she finds out about this I'll never hear the end of it." Karen told him. "You don't know what it's like to be treated differently and most of the time you really can't do anything about it because of how your brain functions." Karen told him.

"Sometimes I don't catch onto things until it's too late which is why I would find myself in most situations when I would get myself abused because I would just miss all the signs and someone else would have to tell me." Karen told him.

"It's like I really didn't have no sense when I used to just trust anybody." Karen told him.

"Like you don't know how many times I let someone play in my face just because I didn't understand what they were saying to me when I was younger." Karen said. "And I'm not talking about when I was a kid or really even a teen because it was just hard for me to make friends and everything else." Karen told him just rambling trying to get her thoughts together.

"I'm talking about young adult ages past the age of 25 that's when I thought that something was wrong with me." Karen said with her eyes widening.

"I just I wish I never trusted him when I was younger." Karen said talking about Big J as she sat down on the bed.

"I would've been better if I never left from my spot." Karen said thinking about it.

"Then I never would've been pregnant with your child because I can't even remember what happened after that no matter how hard I try all I know was that it just didn't make it and that's probably why I can't stand being around Melody." Karen said shaking her head not knowing no better.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now