I have my own

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Notes: Karen starts focusing on more future endeavors.

Before Faith and Nikki had left to go back home to Detroit, Nikki had showed her mother how to create a portfolio and gave her a quick crash course on how she needed to place her pictures and products. So, before they even left as said, Faith was one of her models and she had wanted to be the first one before anyone else was for this trial period that they were about to do.

And, Vickie had came up with the other models after, Faith and Nikki had left to go back home for Detroit.

" I can't believe it's done." Karen said looking at her work and Vickie was over looking it.

"These actually came out pretty good." Vickie told her knowing Karen had it in her.

"You think so?" Karen asked her walking up next to her as they had both looked at it together this time. "I know so." Vickie said since they had got a professional consult to look at Karen's portfolio to help her pick out the final images of it to put in their.

"I'm just nervous." Karen said knowing that every time she had tried to set her mind to something it always fell apart even if she had prayed for it to go well.

"Come on let's pray." Vickie said as they held hands and started praying for this meeting and trial period to go well.

And once that happened five minutes later the head person had came in who Vickie had called with the rest of her crew behind them.

When Karen was introducing her cosmetics line and the power point Vickie was in the room for moral support since everybody knew her already and it always helped if you had a person there that knows you too so their nerves won't be as bad. It went pretty well and Karen always claimed that she was never a great public speaker but Vickie knew her friend tried her best and she seemed like a pro at public speaking.

Then once it was over and it was nothing but silence and Karen thought she blew the whole meeting as she quickly looked at Vickie for re-assurance and she ain't know what was going on either because this never happened to her before either.

But then the room abrupt with applause scaring the both of them.

"I love this idea." She said folding her arms. "I haven't seen too many Faith-based makeup companies out there and I grew up with being in church and I think the way you have the labels set up are just a wonderful idea." She said. "Let's just take a five minute break and we'll see where are next steps can go." She told Karen and Karen couldn't believe they actually liked it.

So she quietly said thank you and walked out while they had talked amongst themselves with Vickie still being in a room for a little bit just to see what they were saying and then she was gonna go check on Karen.

"I thought they hated it at first." Karen said already walking up to Vickie. "Girl they love that idea." Vickie said happy for her doing a quiet squeal. "They're talking about the funds now. Girl if anything by the end of next month you'll probably be a rich woman with your own company." Vickie said just speaking it into existence.

Once the five minute break was over both Vickie and Karen had went back into the room acting as normally as possible and Karen was already handed over some contracts for her to sign as soon as she had sat down.

"Um?" Karen said not knowing what was in front of her. "So, these are contracts for your new makeup cosmetics line." The head person said and Karen tried to hide the big smile that was on her face. "We are willing to put in $2.2 million dollars towards this makeup company." She said and Karen nearly gasped but she had stopped herself trying to contain her composure while the woman's hands over the contract. "But..." She said and Karen knew there was more.

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