What's going on?

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Notes: Mattie stays over for the rest of the day helping Karen with the kids while Faith unexpectedly calls someone.

It was later that day when Mattie was still over at Karen's house helping to watch over her daughter and grandkids since her depression had came back as well as after finding out that Karen had been having some walking issues with her legs.

Which would explain why she would walk so slow sometimes or have trouble getting up to the point where Drew would have to help it and it wasn't even because of her pregnancy. Because when she wasn't pregnant that would happen to her. He would have to help her up and she would have to hang onto a rail or to a wall.

Karen hated having to be so young just to go through so much while her sisters seemed to have it easier than she did. Karen was dreading having to go back to the doctors again for her legs because she didn't want anything to be wrong with them. But her mother was right.

She needed to check on her health to make sure she was good so she could stay here for a long time and be with her kids because God had kept her alive this far through all the trauma that she had endured and she knew that he had her. It was just that sometimes she would let fear over take her. But thankfully her mother wouldn't let her sit in it.

So here she was having to go call her doctor to set up an appointment so she could see what was going on with her walking because if she was being honest with herself she didn't know how much more pain she could take on. She had been hiding it for a good while now with her rubbing on her thighs every so often to try to ease the pain up a little bit along with making Drew give her foot or leg massages. Which he didn't mind because sometimes that would lead to certain nasty time for them and other times he just liked spending quality time with his wife.

So he would jump to rubbing on her every time hence how they had made baby number ten.

And other times Drew would set up the foot massages for Karen to use because she didn't even need to be on her feet all day sometimes it would just end up hurting on its own and if the foot massages from Drew wasn't working then he would bring that out for her.

Karen had tried to keep this as a secret from her family for as long as she could but since Drew had called her mother because of her depression that's when she had found out after observing how her daughter would walk.

"Karen the way you be walking gonna make somebody think you older than me." Mattie told her seeing Karen slowly walk back to the couch while grabbing onto her thighs. Even though that was funny to Karen and she cracked a smile Mattie just shook her head at her.

"Well mama I can't help that." Karen said as she slowly sat back down on her couch leaning back while putting the reclining chair up which she hardly ever used. She only used it if she really had to and now were one of these times. So, Mattie had watched her daughter again while Karen had focused her attention back to the tv.

"Mmhm. I'm going to that doctors office with you." Mattie said seeing how Karen was sitting and how she was trying re-arrange herself every five seconds in her reclining chair that was attached to the couch.

"Mamaaa." Karen said as if she was a child again.

"Don't mama me. You probably putting too much pressure on your body too." Mattie told her and Karen had to think about that for a moment because her doctor did tell her not to do that since she would have some trouble walking on and off.

But all of that had led back to what Big J had done to her.

"Sometimes you just need to rest and stop doing so much." Mattie told her. "Betta hope you won't need any surgery for your legs at this young of a age that you're at." Mattie said and Karen just bit her lip knowing that the doctors said that if the pain were to have gotten worser than their next step was to re-examine her again and to have surgery. So that's also why she kept prolonging her doctors visits because she ain't wanted to have surgery on her legs.

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