Not doing too well

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Notes: Karen starts to have an outbreak again which makes her sick due to her depression coming back and Melody and Faith gets to know each other a little bit more.

It was a few days later after Karen had found out about her diagnosis and she was feeling like she couldn't get out of bed. It wasn't like she couldn't walk or anything or her and Drew had their little "nasty time." But she knew it was probably her depression creeping back up on her again especially since her symptoms had been acting up lately which was causing her to get sick.

So she would just lay in bed all day not doing anything and on days like these she was glad that Drew was staying home more so he could take care of the kids while she would rest because the pain that she was feeling was nerve wrecking for her.

Even Ace had let himself into the room to kiss his nana because she didn't do the usual of cooking breakfast and nobody had seen her downstairs for the last couple of days and Ace's sweet self said in his little voice, "I hope you feel better" kissing his grandma on the cheek and Karen cracked a smile telling her grandson thank you watching him leave out of the room closing the door behind him.

"Nana sick." Ace said announcing it sending more alarms to Drew even though they had knew that she already was sick. But he thought Karen's symptoms was getting worser which scared him and he went upstairs to go check on his wife.

"You okay?!" Drew asked his wife startling her even though she was just laying in bed unable to get up and Karen arched her eyebrows at him.

"Don't scare me like that almost gave me another heart attack." Karen said breathing hard trying to calm herself back down.

"Well Ace said you was sick so I thought he meant it got worse." Drew told her already knowing that she was sick from her STD and Karen was smirking as she was trying not to laugh because she could tell that Drew had ran up the steps to get too her.

"I'm okay. I'm a little sore but it didn't get worse yet you'll know once I start screamin'." Karen said turning back over in her bed trying to get comfortable again to help ease the pain.

"Ace was just announcing it to y'all probably you know how he is with me." Karen said knowing that Ace was clingy and ain't play about his grandma.

"Okay just know I'm close by so holler if you do need me just try to get some rest so you can feel better okay?" Drew said kissing his wife's forehead while Karen tried to get some rest because it was just killing her to stay awake and in pain.

When he was coming back down the stairs, Faith and Nikki had asked him if their mother was okay.

"She's fine, Ace just alarming everybody was all." Drew said looking at Ace play in his playpen after he had to eat out of his own plate today since Karen wasn't downstairs.

So Ace was just acting as if he didn't just scare the whole entire family for a hot second.

When they were done eating breakfast Melody and Faith was hanging out in each other's room while Nikki was trying to finish up some of her assignments early so she could have free time later on during the week.

"What's wrong with Ms.Karen?" Melody asked her not knowing why she had been sick for these last couple of days and Faith didn't know if she should tell her or not.

"Ummm." Faith said not knowing what to say.

"She gets sick sometimes to the point where she can't bare to walk or is in so much pain that she can't really do anything and if you hear screaming at night just know that's her." Faith said awkwardly shrugging her shoulders because she didn't know what else to say.

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