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Notes: Karen struggles with the fact that her marriage might be heading for the worst.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of overdose and attempted suicide, vomiting, reviving.

"I'm about to lose my whole marriage because my husband has a child with some no good hoe." Karen cried.

"Karen tell them what you told me." Jacky said knowing that everything gotta be out in the open now.

"Jacky I can't. I feel stupid." Karen said as she went back to crying in her tissue and her mother was just patting her back to comfort and soothe her.

But then she had realized the time.

"Wait." Karen struggled to say while looking at the time. Did. Did my cell phone ring?" Karen struggled to ask them since she was still crying.

"No." Matti said as she was now hugging on her baby because she knew that Karen was about to start crying while she was waiting for Drew to call.

Then, Karen started crying heavily again Karen I know you're worried about Drew but I don't want you having another panic attack over him." Jacky accidentally letting it slip out. But Karen didn't care at that point all she cared about was talking to Drew.

"A panic attack over my knuckle headed son?!" Mama Sheard asked being so surprised about it as Karen had weakly got up from the table getting her cell phone.

"Ain't no way." Mama Sheard said shaking her head. "That won't be happening again not on my watch." She said still in disbelief about it even though she knows it happened with Karen because of how her whole body language was and how much weaker Karen was moving skeins. So she knew that something had to have happened before they had came over.

"Karen what are you doing?" Jacky asked him.

"Calling Drew again." Karen said in a hurt low voice since she was still crying and while she was holding her cell phone in her hand she could barely keep it together because even her hand was shaking so bad to the point where they thought that she was gonna drop the cell phone.

So, Jacky came over next to her sister and just held her free hand since the both of Karen's hands were shaking from nervousness about Drew not answering his phone calls.

So here Jacky was holding her baby sisters hands while Karen tried to get Drew on the phone.

"He's not answering." Karen said knowing goodness well he would've answered by now to let her know that he was still coming home early.

Then she had called the church's assistant to get through to Drew because Karen had already called his direct office number only for him to not answer, his cell phone before they had came over and now she was being desperate for him to pick while she started biting her nails to cope with her anxiety but Jacky had took her baby sisters fingers out of Karen's mouth because she knew that wasn't a good habit to create to help with anxiety while everyone was looking at them worried about Karen.

"Hello GEI how my I help you?" She said not knowing that this was Karen's personal cell phone number.

"Hi, could you put Bishop Sheard on the phone?" Karen asked her not even giving her an explanation. But she did as told. "Yes, First Lady." She said transferring her over to Drew's office since he won't be able to see the number that pops up through the assistant that's why Karen had decided to finally call that number instead so he would be forced to answer.

"Hello, Bishop J.Drew Sheard on the phone how may I help you?" Drew said not knowing that it was Karen and Karen made a face trying not to gasp as she covered her mouth and she knew her husband was just being petty.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now