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Notes: Dr.Womack tests Karen to see if she has any other disorders from the trauma that she's faced over the years.

Once it was time for them to have another therapy session or rather meeting catered to Karen's mental health state since, Drew was worried about it. Here, Karen was sitting next to her husband with her mama in the room with her along with Drew's parents since they thought it would be best to let this be a private family meeting since it was concerning Karen and Dr.Womack didn't need for any arguments or smart comments flying around about her patients mental health when it came to taking tests to figure out what was going on with them.

Because those types of situations were very personal to the majority of her patients and she had wanted to treat Karen with the same respect so the family and Dr.Womack herself did not let the others know that they were going to be having a meeting today to keep it private.

So now here Dr.Womack was explaining to them what she thought Karen had after already knowing that she was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder earlier on.

"This type of disorder often times shows up in children and it can happen to those who have experienced chronic trauma." She started to tell them. "Some may believe that everyone is out to get them who have this disorder and this part of it is called a "hostile attribution bias" so it's kinda like a sub part of her disorder." Dr.Womack told them and Matti was looking at the flyer in front of her while playing back in her mind how Karen have acted as a child and when she found her way back home trying to connect the dots on her daughters behavior over the years.

"This means that neutral interactions may be interpreted as hostile and it can lead to anger and being ready to fight back at any moment. But in Karen's case that anger is in a form of jealousy due to her not being fully protected as a child." Dr.Womack said.

"And if it's not corrected earlier on it can affect them in their adult lives which is what's happening to Karen right now." She told them and Mattie had just nodded her head.

While they were in this session, Dr.Womack had had needed for Karen to go to another room to take a few tests that would determine her diagnose.

And so, reluctantly she had gotten up to leave the room leaving them to go more in depth of what was possibly going on with her. But when she was taking her tests after being 30 minutes into it, it was as if her brain was getting a little bit confused and she wasn't quite sure as to what to do. Then she was having trouble concentrating which was going on when she had took her GED tests and it was happening again. "Remember this is an opinionated tests there are no wrong or right answers." The test protractor said in a relaxed voice seeing that Karen would get frustrated from time-to-time.

Because his job was to also take notes on observing how Karen took the tests for Dr.Womack.

But back with Dr.Womack she was explaining some more of what was going on with Karen and why she was being "difficult" as others might say not knowing her background. "But the facts show is that 20% of children often have dramatic changes in behavior after going through a traumatic event" Dr.Womack told her speaking directly to Mattie about this since she's the parent. "And I believe that Karen is apart of that 20% since it can carry over into adulthood." She told her.

"And there's some questions that you could ask yourself about how Karen would respond to such things to see if the signs were there earlier on." Dr.Womack told, Mattie and Mattie was just shaking her head as the memories were just coming into clear view of how Karen would act.

"I told, Elbert we needed to take her to a therapist before he decided to snatch her up." Mattie said because Mattie was trying to get a therapist for Karen when she was younger but it was taking forever to find a good one that didn't just brush her daughter off.

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