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Notes: Melody pushes Karen to her breaking point.

After Karen had left from Dorinda's house she was lecturing Melody on her behavior when meeting the family or just anyone in general seeing that she had no type of regards for anyone at all.

"You still not my mama." Melody said folding her arms after Karen was done disciplining her.

"I don't have to be your mama to discipline you!" Karen hollered at her because she was being so disrespectful.

"Bitchhhhh" Melody said underneath her breath as if Karen couldn't hear her. But she did and when Melody said that Karen told the driver to pull over after knocking on the back of the window and he did so thinking nothing of it but when Karen got out of the car after taking off her seat belt she went ahead and walked over to Melody's side yanking the car door open and snatching Melody out of the car and it was at that moment that Melody thought that Karen was about to leave her on the side of a busy highway and she was about to start crying again.

But instead Karen took off her belt and started whooping her with it on the side of the street behind the car so other cars couldn't see them.

"I DONE TOLD YOU ABOUT BEATING DISRESPECTFUL. IM TIREDT OF TRYING TO BE NICE TO EVERYBODY ONLY TO END UP GETTING DISRESPECTED IN THE END THAT-IS-THE-LAST-TIME-YOU-WILL-EVER-DISRESPECT-ME-AGAIN!" Karen yelled at her while whooping her in between each word making sure that Melody felt that butt whopping and Drew wasn't gonna do nuthin bout it either.

"NOW GO RUN AND TELL THAT TO YOUR DADDY AND SEE IF I CARE BECAUSE I'LL BEAT HIM UP TOO!" Karen hollered at her gently moving her back into the car and sitting her in it.


"NOW SAY SOMETHIN ELSE SMART I DARE YOU!" Karen hollered at her before she had closed her car door.

When Karen had got back in the car she had slammed her car door back tight mad as hell and Melody could feel the heat radiating off of Karen's body.

"Ready to go?" He asked Karen and Karen said, "yeah" calming herself back down.

Now the whole entire ride back home Melody ain't know what to do all she knew was that was hurtin'. But she was also afraid to try Karen again after she had whooped her one good time.

"And I don't wanna head another word coming out of your mouth either until you've learned how to respect people because there's more where that came from and I don't care about what your daddy says about beatings because he knows not to try me if he wanna live to see another day!" Karen yelled at her snapping again.

So, Melody just started listening to her from that day forward.

"Trying to mistake my kindness for weakness you done lost your mind." Karen said having to remind Melody about who she was.

When they finally got back to the house Drew was home with the babies cooking dinner letting Karen get a break from doing all of the cooking and so now they were just rotating on it again.

"Heyyy how was it meeting the aunties?" Drew asked them but more specifically his daughter.

But Melody still had an attitude because Karen had whooped her on their way home.

"Your father is talking to you." Karen told her and Melody tried not to roll her eyes at her because she ain't want another beating and she knew that her daddy wasn't gonna be able to help her against this woman so she played it smart.

"Fine." Melody said in annoyed voice.

"She was very disrespectful." Karen said taking off her jacket after Drew had came there to greet his wife with a kiss and he just stared at Melody because Melody wasn't the affectionate type and plus he barely knew his daughter so he knew that wasn't really okay to do just yet.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now