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Notes: Faith and Nikki visits Karen in New York and Karen takes a tour of Faith's penthouse.

After Karen had her time to go see what she had left behind in New York she started thinking about her future more seriously because her going back into that crack house with a clear head while wasn't programmed was a wake up call for her.

She couldn't believe that she used to dwell in that type of place for days at a time just getting high after Big J had messed her up. It was a wonder to her how she even had all of her teeth at that point but it was probably because she didn't stay on crack for too long. Yes there was a point of time that she it did damn near every day for almost a year but she didn't have years on it like they did who was in there.

And now here Karen was in the bathroom mirror checking her teeth wondering how on earth was she able to keep them all. Of course her teeth was still messed up due to Big J punching her in her mouth making her have crooked teeth but he never really made a tooth fall out which Karen was thankful for because she had seen when he had did that to other girls and Karen had tried not to make him that man to the point where he had did that too her.

But she would just have worst done to her in other ways. But because he would beat on her and what not she was wearing braces to correct some of the damage that he had done to her.

It was later on in the evening when Karen was trying to find out what she was gonna do while she was in New York other than re-visiting her past because she had enough of that because it almost set her back.

She heard a knock on her door.

"Now who could that be?" Karen asked herself arching her eyebrow knowing that nobody not supposed to be up there with her and she sure didn't call anybody.

So now here Karen was in her black silk robe with her house clothes on underneath her walking up to the door wrapping it around her body not expecting anyone.

"Hiiii." Faith said as soon as Karen opened up the door and Nikki was right beside her with N'ylani in her arms and Ace was hiding in between his mama's legs.

"Nanaaaa." Ace smiled happily peaking his head out at her doing her and then getting from underneath her legs just to do his happy dance squealing with joy and clapping his hands excited to see her.

Then Ace ran in straight to her reaching for her already.

"Oh my goodnessss." Karen said giving her baby her kisses and Ace did the same as well grabbing her face for them.

"What are y'all doing here?!" Karen asked them knowing goodness well they weren't supposed to be up here. "Well your vacation time is over and ugh we needed to see your or most likely Ace needed to see you." Faith said and Ace was just busy kissing his grandma on her cheeks.

"Aweee my poor baby missed me?" Karen said closing her door back letting Nikki and Faith in not seeing their bags and Ace said, "yeahhh" all happily just happy to see her.

"I see you must be staying in your apartment while you're here?" Karen asked her daughter.

"Mmhm." Faith said nodding her head while smiling at her mama.

"I didn't want take up all your space knowing I had my own place so just know I'm still here not too far away." Faith said smiling at her and Karen just shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes at her.

So now here they were sitting on Karen's bed and Ace was in his grandma's lap staying close to her while N'ylani kept smiling all up in Karen's face.

"That's the first time that N'ylani smiled since you left." Nikki said with N'ylani now trying to reach for her grandma too and Karen just took her like she would do at the house. "Aweee N'ylani my sweet baby girl you missed me too?!" Karen said smooching her grand baby.

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