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Notes: Karen and Drew talks to the girls about Toya and Karen finds out if she's pregnant or not.

When they finally got home after eating McDonalds the girls were already told to go sit down so they could talk some more about what happened. While Faith and Nikki had went upstairs with their kids giving them some privacy after eavesdropping at church.

When they were upstairs in their rooms that's when they started talking to them about what happened.

"Mom did you see her in New York?!" Harmony asked her mother while Karen had stood in front of them while the girls were sitting on the couch.

"I did." Karen said slowly nodding her head.

"And she said some very concerning things and I'm a need for y'all to tell me the truth." Karen told them and Melody had looked at her sister like she had knew something that she wasn't supposed to tell.

And, Harmony had looked back at her because they had made a secret pact with each other that no matter who it was they would keep people out of their business.

"She didn't really do anything." Harmony said speaking for the both of them but then Karen looked at her daughter. "In order for Toya to go to jail I need to know what she did and I need to have evidence no matter how hard it might be." Karen said being gentle with it while still not wanting to rush them.

"Melody?" Karen asked her daughter knowing that she had told her about why she was so afraid of the dark. "Was there more to what you told me?" Karen asked her and Melody just sadly put her head down.

"What exactly did she say?" Harmony asked her mother referring to Toya. "She said somethings like she made y'all do certain things." Karen told her and Harmony just awkwardly nodded her head.

And Karen had wanted to know what that head nod was for.

"Well....can we just write it down?" Harmony asked her mother not thinking that they could say it and she had put her head down too just like her sister and done and Karen had looked at both of her girls already knowing that whatever Toya had done to them had them traumatized to the point where they couldn't verbalize it and Melody had still held somethings back from her mother after telling her a part of the reason about why she was afraid of the dark.

"Y'all can do that." Karen told them with Karen trying not to get emotional since her daughter had asked her that question.

"Okay." The girls both said as Karen had let them leave to go write down whatever they couldn't say.

When they had went upstairs to their rooms they had pulled out their notebooks staring at the sheet of paper for the longest time before being able to write down what they needed to write down. Meanwhile back downstairs Karen was just as nervous as ever trying to brace herself for whatever was on that paper.

Once the girls were finally done ten minutes later they had came back downstairs handing their mother both their papers quickly going back to their rooms because they didn't want to witness what the aftermath could've been and Karen just let the conversation be over since they had handed them that piece of paper.

And when she had opened it up to read Melody's first her heart had dropped even more than it already did as it made her hands nervously shake while holding the paper and Drew had to basically hold his wife's hands so she could keep the paper steady.

Then she read, Harmony's and felt nothing but heart ache as she was already struggling to breathe while reading Melody's paper it just got worser with reading Harmony's.

Now here Karen was having to take her time before talking because she knew the feeling of what her girls had gone through.

"Drew." Karen finally said after letting out a shaky breath. "She gotta go to jail." Karen said while giving him the two pieces of paper because she couldn't bare to look at it anymore without fighting back to hold her threatening tears.

Family Secrets Part 3Where stories live. Discover now