Karen's solo

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Notes: Karen have her first church solo in years.

It was now Saturday and the test results were in Karen couldn't believe that the truth was about to be revealed to them. She just didn't know what she would do if Drew's twins were actually hers. Because if she was being honest with herself she had felt immense guilt for not being able to protect them if the test had turned out to be true. And that's what was making her have a bad attitude about this whole situation because she would rather not face the truth because to her that meant that she was really helpless in a situation to where she really couldn't control it.

And it was making her feel like a failure if she really was their mother because by that time Karen was at least in her mid 20's when she had them and she thought by then that had gotten strong enough to protect herself when she needed to but that was obviously a lie. But not only that she kept wrecking her brain back to that day to try to figure out what happened but for the life of her she could not remember. The only thing she remembers before that was when Big J had forced his crew to get her into the van while being blind folded and being physically knocked out along with her mouth being covered by something because at that point Karen remembered thinking that they was going to kill her too since she felt like she was being smothered half to death.

And she all she do was see herself aggressively wriggling around in the van with someone trying to get her to stop moving while they did Big J's dirty work as in trying to do what he had promised.

 But this had happened after he had promised to take them out his own self. So she had figured that he had been planning that for weeks and had executed to the point where he thought her and her baby wouldn't survive or so he thought.

But somehow the plan to take her out had gone wrong and so they just brought her back instead of leaving her where ever they were taking her too.

So now here was the moment of truth the DNA test results had came in and Drew had called his wife from down stairs needing for them to do this privately before calling the girls because this was going to take an emotional toll on them if the tests came out to be negative after all that they had went through.

"I've never been so nervous before in my life." Drew said holding the envelope in his hands after him and Karen was just staring at it after he had placed it on the table after getting the mail and sorting through it.

He wasn't even this nervous when he had to take the DNA tests for Melody if anything he was trying to figure out how he had even slept with Toya. Yeah she had looked familiar and was kinda Drew's type to sleep with if he was back in his late teen years. But his young adult years not so much. He had calmed down on being that reckless because he didn't want anything messing up his future. So when Toya had first came to him accusing him of doing such a thing he literally had no reconciliation of her and it wasn't like he would get drunk and then slept with just any girl. He was smarter than that and he always tried to find a certain type of connection with the girl so it wouldn't feel like she was completely being used unlike how his friends would do it just go after any pretty thang they saw.

So in all honesty, Drew had kinda knew from the beginning that something just wasn't right with Toya because he knew he would've remembered her as well at least for a few days or something like that to where his mind was had to be picked until he remembered at least one thing about her. But now he had even more questions to ask because to him it was now 'who in the world was Toya other than her being the girls adopted mother?! ' And if Karen had turned out to be their mother than all hell was gonna break lose because Drew was gonna do a whole private investigation on Toya and somebody was going to jail for Big J.

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