What do I do?

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Notes: Drew have a family meeting without the presence of Karen and Twinkie speaks.

It was the next day and Drew had taken off from work because he just didn't feel like he could go in today. Also he had promised Karen that he was gonna cut back on his hours anyways to stay home and to help with her with the kids. So, when Karen had woke up in the morning to go cook breakfast for them since she had stayed downstairs in the man cave to sleep there she was surprised to see that Drew was still at home in his casual clothes that he would wear around the house.

"Hey baby." Drew said looking at his wife who had still looked a bit tired from last night knowing that she couldn't have possibly slept well and so he had kissed her on the cheek. But Karen didn't respond back to it like she normally would've done and Drew caught that.

"You want some breakfast?" Drew asked her already having her plate of food fixed and ready to go and Karen was kinda surprised to see this because Drew didn't do this too often. So she knew that he was trying to do better as a father and as a husband.

So, Karen just went to the table and sat down because Drew already had her food on there.

Right now it was only, Faith and the babies that was in the house since Nikki had early morning classes so she could be done by 2:00pm and be back home in the afternoon since she had decided not to stay on campus after looking at the dorm rooms and then it was like she was from Michigan anyways so it wouldn't be too exciting to even live in the dorms and plus she had wanted to save the money that she had won so she could get her some place to live after college.

Which was another conversation that Karen wasn't ready to have yet and was tearing up when Nikki had talked about moving out after college.

So, Karen ain't even try to wait for nobody after she had finished saying her grace and had started eating.

By the time Karen was almost done with her breakfast Faith had finally came down with Ace in her arms since he ain't feel like walking and he had finally hugged Drew good morning after seeing him be home for a while and he ran to his nana wanting his morning kisses from her and immediately Karen gave them to him.

"How's my big boy doing?!" Karen said loving to see smiling face in the morning.

"Good." Ace said in his raspy little voice which was still tired.

"You want something to eat?" She said talking to him more than she had talked to Drew.

And Ace had nodded his head yes and so, Karen had gave him some of her food that was basically left over and Drew wasn't sure if Karen had liked it or not because it was still a good amount of breakfast on her plate.

But Ace sure was eating it thought but Ace was the type of toddler to eat anything you gave him he wasn't a picky eater at all. So, Drew could never tell if Ace liked it or not.

But Drew had still made his plate putting down on the table next to Karen's now empty plate since Ace had ate half of her food and so she had gave him his full plate of food to eat feeding him.

So, Faith had noticed that her mother was upset with Drew about something but she was about to get too the bottom of it and when she did she was gonna give Nikki all the tea that she was missing out on even though she would literally be back home in a couple of hours.

"Nikki you're missing out on this morning tea 😮‍💨." Faith texted her sister knowing that she was in class but she would respond to it after she would get out.

"Girl you acted like I moved out-of-state 💀." Nikki texted her back 10 minutes later. "But this tea is hot thooo. 🫢." Faith said not knowing what was going on because she had left church a little bit early having an emergency meeting with her manager. "I'll find out what's going on cause something had to happened when I had left church a little bit earlier than usual mama's mad at Drew again. I'm always missing the drama I need to stop that.🥴" Faith texted her knowing that she would be the one to miss it. "You's a mess. 😭" Nikki texted back laughing at her sister.

Family Secrets Part 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें