The Sheard's Session

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Notes: The Sheard's go to Dr.Womack's office to discuss some of the things that's been happening with the girls.

Side note: This was suggested to me by unidentifieduser3

It was a Wednesday afternoon when the Sheard's  were back in Dr.Womack's office again. But this time Karen was the one to actually set up this meeting outside of their already planned appointments with their family therapist.

Now, Karen was just looking at her daughter Faith who was messing with Nikki since she didn't have her phone to per-occupy her.

"Maaaa." Nikki whined swatting Faith's hand away from her face. "This is what happens when she acts like she can't live without her phone." Nikki said eyeing her little sister and Faith was just smirking at her. "I do this with or without my phone so, I don't know what you're trying to say." Faith said arching her eyebrow at her.

"Faith leave her alone." Karen said as she was still watching her daughter unbeknownst to Faith who wasn't paying her mama no attention because once Faith got around her sister when she was with others she would just attach herself to one or the other meaning either her sisters or her mama.

But right now, Faith still had a little attitude because she still wasn't understanding why she was in trouble. It wasn't like she was having it in the house.

If anything that was the main reason why they never told Faith about what happened with Nikki when that one guy was over because that was a completely different thing and they really couldn't compare the two. So they knew to keep it from her because she was gonna be using that as an excuse if she were to have brought them over at separate times when they weren't home.

And, Faith did have a tendency to throw stuff back into peoples faces or use it against them if she felt as if she was wrongly offended which was also why they never told her about the case that were working on with Nikki because that was to be kept underwraps because it was just somethings that Faith was not mature enough to handle and those were one of them.

"The Sheard's?!" The assistant called out to them bringing them to the back and so, Karen had looked over her shoulder and quickly got up because she kept thinking to herself "where did she go wrong" with raising her daughters.

And she always came back around to blaming herself for being so young as well. But of course she have remembered her husband's words telling her "she couldn't control the circumstances so it's not her fault that they're acting this way" and she also had to remind herself that all teens go through a stage. Even she had went through a small rebellious stage but that small stage was cut rather short and quickly after sneaking out of the house all because she had wanted to fit in and have some fun.

She knew that she had told, Faith that it's not worth it to succumb to peer pressure in the end because they're gonna have to live with it and not the other person who pressured you into it. But that was only if they had a conscious but most times people who peer pressure others don't really have one if they do they're probably just ignoring it to fit in as well and that's what Karen had chose to believe which ended up causing her to trust the wrong people because she always gave them the "benefit of the doubt" and she wondered if Faith would really do that.

So she quickly got up and started walking to the back already knowing where Dr.Womack's office was already located and surprisingly she was the first one in there this time even surprising Dr.Womack for a bit. But then she schooled her face to go back to normal because she won't let Karen catch her off-guard because Karen will try it too just like Faith.

Then everyone else just started filing in going to their seats to where they would usually sit in.

Now here they all were with Dr.Womack meeting Harmony for the second time as she got done doing her usual going over the reason why they were here for today.

Family Secrets Part 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant